Data and Information Security Chief Information Officer (CIO)
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Heidelberg University is Prof. Dr Vincent Heuveline. On behalf of the Rectorate, the CIO is responsible for the university’s strategic orientation regarding IT priorities, with particular focus on digital transformation. The CIO advises the Rectorate with respect to related strategic issues. He coordinates the measures for the relevant IT developments at the university, the aim being to lay a modern, safe and sustainable IT foundation for all the university’s members and associates – one that creates the best possible conditions for innovation and creativity in research, teaching and student affairs.
Current topic areas for university IT development include
- Analysing and developing appropriate approaches to digitisation in the respective field (teaching, research and administration) in close coordination with the Rectorate
- Optimising process through suitable IT solutions
- Ensuring information security at the university and federal state level
- Raising the quality of internal and external services through using IT
- Interconnecting or overcoming heterogeneous IT structures