War in the Middle East
About the University
With a long tradition of shaping the future, Heidelberg University sees itself as an internationally oriented research and teaching institution that offers a rich range of subjects and disciplines. It acknowledges its responsibility to humanity, society, and nature and is committed to broadening and harnessing its knowledge and skills, in a spirit of open-mindedness and tolerance toward individuals and ideas, for the benefit of future generations.
Quality Development
With its accredited heiQUALITY system, Heidelberg University implemented a comprehensive quality management system that covers the full breadth of its activities and services.
Heidelberg University is tied into a worldwide network of research and teaching collaborations and maintains exchange programmes with approximately 450 universities worldwide.
Research City
The University is at the centre of a research network that includes a large number of non-university research institutions and companies in Heidelberg and the Rhine-Neckar region. The central fields of activity of the university in cooperation with its local and regional partners are research, teaching and further education.
History of the University
SEMPER APERTUS (Always open) has been Ruperto Carola's motto since its founding in 1386. Numerous great minds have studied, researched and taught here. Reflecting this spirit of openness, Germany's oldest university has significantly shaped knowledge and society since 1386.
Heidelberg Profiles
Since its establishment in 1386, Heidelberg University has produced a wealth of prominent and influential personalities – researchers, teachers and graduates alike.
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