
The responsibilities of the Senate are laid down in the University Law of the State of Baden Württemberg (LGH): “The Senate shall take decisions in matters concerning research, the practice of the arts, artistic development schemes, teaching, courses of study and further education, provided these matters have not been assigned to another central body or to the faculties.” (§19 LHG)

The Senate plays an essential role in the strategic orientation of the university in research, courses of study and teaching. It has to approve the structure and development plans and decide on study programmes, subject groups, joint institutions and commissions. Additionally, the Senate is responsible for approving the appointment suggestions of the Appointment Commissions pursuant to § 48 (3) LHG in conjunction with § 24 GO.

Senate Spokespersons:
Prof. Dr Michael Boutros, Medical Faculty Heidelberg
Prof. Dr Thomas Lobinger, Faculty of Law 


Pursuant to the Rules on Public Announcements at Heidelberg University, §1(2), the key decisions taken by the Senate as a governing body must be published. Rules are published in the Rector’s Bulletin. Brochures are issued for procedural regulations and the university constitution. Details about changes in academic staff are published on the central website.

Participating in the governing bodies of the university

Your opportunity to exert influence

Would you like to take an active part in university life and participate in important decision-making? Find out how you can play a role in the university’s governing bodies.

The seats for the Senate and the Faculty Councils are filled by means of annual elections for these bodies.

Those wishing to obtain a seat on one of the Senate committees, if places are vacant, have the opportunity of being nominated by the representatives of the respective status group in the Senate. The Senate then elects the new representatives. 

If you have any questions about the scope of responsibility and the organisational time and effort involved, you are welcome to approach the currently elected representatives.

Senate committees and commissions
