CertificationFamily-friendly University

In November 2010, Heidelberg University was certified as a “family-friendly“ university for the first time. In 2023, the re-auditing process took place, in which the current objectives and measures were evaluated by berufundfamilie gGmbH. Heidelberg University was subsequently re-certified for the fifth time.

The certificate is awarded by berufundfamilie gGmbH, an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation, to universities and colleges that pursue a family-friendly personnel policy and create a work environment for employees, researchers and students that guarantees a balance between work/study and family life.

The basis of Heidelberg University's success is a program that encompasses a range of offers and measures, including the organisation of working hours, extended childcare, a dual-career service, and opportunities for part-time study.

Program of Action (DE)

Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule - Zertifikat seit 2010

Fields of Actions

  • Work, research and study time
  • Work, research and study organisation
  • Work, research and study location
  • Information and communication
  • Leadership competence
  • Personnel development and academic qualification
  • Payment components, nonmonetary perquisites, and funding for students
  • Services for families

Ideas & Suggestions

We welcome ideas for both big and small changes to promote family-friendly work and academic conditions. What do you think are the ideal conditions for study/work and life balance at the university? Whether it’s child education, caring for family members or living as a couple – what services would help you, what services could the university add to existing ones?

Give your ideas free reign and don’t worry about how to make them a reality – we want to know them all. Please send your suggestions via e-mail to the Equal Opportunities Office: gleichstellungsbuero@urz.uni-heidelberg.de 


  • Part-time study, work from home, or cutting work hours
  • Balancing family and career while working full-time
  • Contact with the university during parental leave or while family members are in care
  • Organising the work day around children or family members needing care
  • Supporting children or the elderly while at work
  • Support options for family emergencies
  • Regular support services
  • Equipment in cafeteria, library, and university facilities