
Quality assurance and development

Quality assurance and development are continuous features of scientific processes in studies, teaching, research, the promoting of young talent as well as services and administration at Heidelberg University.

By implementing a holistic quality management system – heiQUALITY – which encompasses all areas of performance, Heidelberg University has taken a decisive step towards a systemisation of quality management processes, and has hereby gained additional knowledge in regard to important quality aspects. The aim is to derive suitable measures for quality assurance and development in all of the university’s areas of activity.

The QM System heiQUALITY

General quality objectives

Heidelberg University considers itself a research-oriented comprehensive university dedicated to the acquisition of scientific knowledge and social utility. In order to further build on its status as one of the world's leading institutions in research and research-based teaching, the implementation of a comprehensive and effective quality management system (QMS) is imperative. The QM system covers the University’s three main areas of performance: Student Affairs and Teaching, Research and Promotion of Young Researchers, Services and Administration. The comprehensive QM system is also strongly anchored in the University's future concept, with which the University has been successful in both rounds of the Excellence Initiative.

When it comes to teaching, Heidelberg University's primary goal is to prepare students for a hitherto unknown future. Experience has shown that this task is best accomplished if academic programmes consistently focus on addressing the new and the unknown. Furthermore, the cosmopolitan attitude of Heidelberg's teaching staff and students, as well as its scientific reputation, are essential factors for successfully maintaining a position among the world's best universities.

Specific quality objectives, which serve as an extension to the University’s general quality objectives, are defined for each of the different areas of performance at the University. The areas of Student Affairs and Teaching, Research and Promotion of Young Researchers, Services and Administration are each at a different stage in the process of achieving a common understanding of, and commitment to binding quality objectives.