Research Performance Indicators


11 Nobel Laureates

The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901 for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. 11 Professors of Heidelberg University have been awarded a Nobel Prize since the award has been established.

22 Leibniz Award Laureates

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation is the most prestigious research award in Germany. 22 of the recipients were, or still are, researchers at Heidelberg University at the time the prize was awarded.

3 Humboldt Professorships

The Alexander von Humboldt professorship, worth up to five million euros, is the most highly endowed international research prize in Germany. It is awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and financed by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research.

41 ERC Grants

The European Research Council (ERC) supports out­standing scientists in order to advance frontier research and visionary projects and to open up new inter­dis­ci­plin­ary fields of knowledge. Among its lines of funding are the Starting, the Consolidator and the Advanced Grant.

29 Collaborative Research Centres

Collaborative Research Centres (CRC), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), are institutions established at the university for a period of up to 12 years.

Excellence Strategy


The STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence addresses specific, highly topical questions about the formation, role, and detection of structure in a broad range of natural phenomena, from subatomic particles to cosmology, and from fundamental quantum physics to neuroscience. 

3D Matter Made to Order

“3D Matter Made to Order”, the joint Cluster of Excellence by the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and Heidelberg University, pursues a highly interdisciplinary approach combining natural and engineering sciences. The cluster concentrates on three-dimensional additive manufacturing techniques, from the molecular level to macroscopic dimensions.