LOTUS domain proteins in transposon silencing and translation control (1.516.579 €) | | Dr. Mandy Jeske Heidelberg University Biochemistry Centre (BZH) | |
Ligand control for enhanced reactivity and functionality of silicon-based compounds and materials (1.803.689 €) | | Dr. Lutz Greb Institute for Inorganic Chemistry | |
Human cooperation: A multimodal approach (1.601.459 €) | | Dr. Christoph Korn Medical Faculty Heidelberg | |
Control of excitation recombination and transfer with tailored material design (119.100 €) Moved to Heidelberg in 2022 | | Prof. Dr. Felix Deschler Institute for Physical Chemistry | |
Substructures of Large Objects: Extremality, Typicality, and Complexity (797.008 €) | | Jun. Prof. Dr. Felix Joos Institute for Computer Science | |
Metabolic Vulnerabilities of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells (2.062.200 €) | | Dr. med. Simon Raffel Medical Faculty Heidelberg | |
Resolving the Baryon Cycle within Nearby Galaxies (2.068.541 €) | | Dr. Kathryn Kreckel Centre for Astronomy (ZAH) / Centre for Astronomical Computing (ARI) | |
Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei Across Time and Space (1.490.268 €) | | Dr. Dominika Wylezalek Centre for Astronomy (ZAH) / Centre for Astronomical Computing (ARI) | |
Structure and Function of RNA Processing and Repair Enzymes (2.058.564 €) | | Dr. Jirka Peschek Heidelberg University Biochemistry Centre (BZH) | |
Unlocking the astrophysics of galaxies through the cosmic baryon cycle (1.406.406 €) | | Dr. Dylan Nelson Centre for Astronomy (ZAH) / Centre for Astronomical Computing (ARI) | |
Uncovering the cornerstones of our Universe: Application and Development of Next-Generation Stellar Atmospheres (1.942.835 €) | | Dr. Andreas Sander Centre for Astronomy (ZAH) / Centre for Astronomical Computing (ARI) | |
A comprehensive census of the multi-scale matter cycle within galaxies (1.720.243 €) | | Dr. Mélanie Chevance Centre for Astronomy (ZAH) / Centre for Astronomical Computing (ARI) | |
Translational multimodality imaging of glioma hallmarks to assess the dynamics of the immune cell landscape and tumor cell invasion during targeted therapy (2.162.805 €) | | Dr. Michael Breckwoldt Medical Faculty Heidelberg | |
Towards the molecular mechanism of membrane fission mediated by the ESCRT-III/Vps4 machinery (2.212.302 €) | | Dr. Joachim Moser von Filseck Heidelberg University Biochemistry Centre (BZH) | |
The role of lateral entorhinal cortex for long-term memory formation (2.149.649 €) | | Dr. Magdalena Schlesiger Medical Faculty Heidelberg | |
The Cell biology of light signaling – What is the function of nuclear photobodies? (1.777.784 €) | | Dr. Kasper van Gelderen Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS) | |
Many-body QCD phenomena in high-energy proton and nuclear collisions (1.678.476 €) | | Dr. Aleksas Mazeliauskas Institute of Theoretical Physics | |
Die ersten Quasare und ihre Umgebungen: Von der Geburt supermassereicher schwarzer Löcher bis zur kosmischen Reionisation (1.942.118 €) | | Dr. Sarah Bosman Institute for Theoretical Physics | |
Translationale Untersuchung der oxytocinergen Signalübertragung bei Prader-Willi- und Schaaf-Yang-Syndromen (2.113.392 €) | | Dr. Ferdinand Althammer Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg | |
Die Verdeutlichung der regulatorischen Mechanismen während der Zytokinese von Säugetier-Kardiomyozyten um die Herzregeneration zu fördern (1.978.718 €) | | Dr. Chi Chung Wu Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim | |
Understanding cell lineage plasticity in the development and evolution of vertebrate cranial cartilage (1.765.291 €) | | Prof. Dr. Lauren Saunders Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS) | |
Identification of transcription factors which are relevant to the progression of IDH-mutant gliomas (1.643.279 €) | | Dr. Abigail Kora Suwala Medical Faculty Heidelberg | |
Kri-kri: A statically sound and accessible framework for causal regulatory inference from high-content CRISPR screens (1.379.876 €) | | Prof. Dr. Britta Velten Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS) | |
Internationales Privatrecht und Völkerrecht – Koevolution oder Entfremdung? (1.164.355 €) | TBA | Dr. Anton Stefan Zimmermann Institute for comparative law, conflict of laws and international business law |
The role of rewired cysteine metabolism in vascular aging and regeneration | | Prof. Dr. Sofia Iris Bibli, Ph.D. Medical Faculty Mannheim | |
| | Prof. Dr. Endre Borbáth Institute for Political Science | |
Optimising tuberculosis treatment: causal inference framework and mathematical modelling to support the development, prioritisation, and impact assessment of novel tools and strategies | | Dr. Florian Marx Heidelberg University Hospital | |