As Heidelberg University's transfer agency, hei_INNOVATION stands for the transfer of knowledge and technology from university research results to society and is the central point of contact for supporting and implementing transfer activities at Heidelberg University. The Transfer Agency's services in the area of knowledge and technology transfer can be used by all members of the university. It is thus a platform for the further development of future-oriented ideas. 

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The Transfer Agency


hei_INNOVATION is a Rectorate's Department of the of the Vice-rectorfor for Innovation and Transfer and was established in 2019 as part of Heidelberg University's Excellence Strategy.


hei_INNOVATION coordinates university-wide transfer activities, supports university members in their spin-offs and the development of business models, in the transfer of research results into application and of knowledge into society.

Services and Support

All Contacts

The hei_INNOVATION team supports all members of the university in their transfer projects, is available at all times to answer questions and provides individual advice on the topic of innovation and transfer.


Here you can find an overview of the hei_INNOVATION events on the topic of transfer.


The hei_INNOVATION newsletter informs monthly about activities and offers of the Transfer Agency, transfer-relevant developments, news and events from the university, as well as initiatives of its partners.