To ensure high-quality research and teaching, developments have to be addressed early and the progress in visionary projects has to be stimulated. Public funding is not enough to be competitive. This is why Heidelberg University needs a certain margin of freedom to make it easier to respond flexibly to future challenges.

The Ruperto Carola Future Fund wants to enable the university to tackle future requirements and to strengthen the university’s position, both on the national and international level.

Endowment contributions to the Ruperto Carola Future Fund make sure its capital reserve keeps growing. The annual proceeds can be used for any cause deemed necessary, permanently and sustainably. Short-term realisation of future projects as well as a long-term security are favoured by this.

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Thank you!

Thanks to the support of our friends and supporters, the endowment has continuously grown over the last couple of years. Please help us continue this development by making a worthwhile contribution to the future of Heidelberg University.

I studied Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg from 1991 to 1997 and the wonderful experiences I have made there have set the foundation for a life long journey in learning more about the world around us. I consider it my academic birthplace – a great institution that has formed me in so many ways and sparked my deep love for science and knowledge. My personal donations are given with great affection to support my alma mater, its administration, faculty and students, to continue to inspire future generations.

Arkadius Pichota, US alumnus

Your contact for the Ruperto Carola Future Fund

Division for Foundations and Assets
T: +49 6221 54-12801
F: +49 6221 54-12980

Postal address
Division for Foundations and Assets
Universität Heidelberg
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg