Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural StudiesEducation Studies

The degree programme Education Studies at Heidelberg University focusses on professionalisation processes in education studies as well as learning and change processes for individuals and education institutions and organisations.

The Education Studies degree programme provides students with fundamental knowledge in the areas of child-raising, socialisation, and education, teaching and learning, instruction, counselling and innovation. Students will gain skill in producing scholarly work and, during internships, will obtain practical experience in education-related areas. Students will enjoy a multi-faceted education rooted in innovative teaching and learning formats (e.g. Journal Club, project work, poster presentations) and offering interest-based opportunities for specialisation (career-related activities, practical experience, research), which will prepare them for future careers in continuing education and counselling, employee and organisational development, and educational administration and research.

Special Features and Characteristics

The particular focus of the Education Studies programme at Heidelberg University, with its emphasis on education and counselling, as approached from the perspective of life-long learning, provides students with a highly socially-relevant education and excellent professional prospects. The linking of research to practice results in an outstanding interdisciplinary curriculum. Interest-based opportunities for specialisation allow students to determine their own individual areas of specialty and to hone their professional profiles.  

Courses are centred on current research findings, providing  students with insight into the scientific activities involved in empirical educational research (research-based teaching). This includes the use of innovative and interactive teaching and learning formats (e.g. Journal Clubs, blended learning, project work) as well as skill-based testing formats (e.g. poster presentations, portfolio evaluation). The courses offered are augmented by courses taught by instructors currently actively working in the industry – providing students with opportunities for beginning establishment of a network for future career prospects – as well as visiting scholars from other countries, who lend an international perspective. In addition, as part of the Education Studies degree programme at Heidelberg University, a window of time for studies abroad is built into the programme, giving students the opportunity to gain a more in-depth international perspective.  

Opportunities for collaboration also exist within the context of the Erasmus exchange programme at universities in Graz, Austria, Jyväskylä, Finland, Limerick, Ireland, as well as at the Linnaeus University, Kalmar and Växjö in Sweden.

Everything at the Institute for Education Studies can be found under one roof: Lecture hall, seminar rooms, instructors’ offices, examinations office, and secretary’s office – and, there are numerous spaces that lend themselves to exchanges with other students or with instructors. The institute's library possesses an excellent collection, and the individual and group learning spaces located within it provide students with optimal conditions for study. The “Café da lang” (Café that way) at the basement level of the Institute for Education Studies is open to all students and provides a space for recreation and discussion.


The focus of research at the Institute for Education Studies is in the area of education and counselling over the course of an entire lifespan. Employing empirical educational research methods, researchers examine issues relating to various age categories (toddlers, school-age children, young adults, mature adults) and differing levels of access (individual, institutional, systemic) Research findings are also incorporated into course instruction.

Occupational Areas

Graduates of the Education Studies degree programme find positions in professional and other fields of work, including such areas as: 

  • client-centred (professional training, consultancy, teaching) 
  • organisation-centred (administration, planning, organisation) 
  • skill and knowledge acquisition (teaching, practical instruction)  
  • skill and knowledge creation (educational research) 


Studierender Bildungswissenschaften Uni Heidelberg

I study education studies because I see myself working in continuing and further education for adults in the future. Thanks to the pronounced business climate, the Rhine-Neckar region is an ideal location for my studies.

Khai Dang, 31, Education studies, 8th semester Bachelor