TestimonialsMy Research Sojourn in Maine, USA
Lisa studied pharmacy at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After having completed her practical year in the hospital pharmacy of the University Hospital Munich as well as in a public pharmacy and having obtained her licensure, she started her doctorate at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy at Heidelberg University. Currently, she is doing research regarding ABS transports in the kidney and supervising the laboratory practicals of pharmacy students.
Why did you decide to do your doctorate at Heidelberg University?
After my studies, I wanted to do a doctorate in the field of pharmaceutical technology and biopharmacy. While looking into the different research groups in Germany, I found Prof. Fricker's research which focuses in particular on barrier systems such as the kidney or blood-brain barrier, very interesing.
My decision was also influenced by the fact that Heidelberg University, which is als Germany’s oldest university, is very well know internationally and has an excellent reputation in the fields of medicine and biosciences.
What is the topic of your research?
For my project, I am characterizing the function and expression of ABC transporters in the proximal tubule of the kidney during ageing processes. ABC transporters secrete endogenous substances and many drugs from the blood into the urine, consuming ATP, and subsequently enable their elimination from the body.
In order to look into ageing processes in the kidney, I use a short-lived animval model, the African killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) and compare the results with human primary cells from the kidney.
The goal of my research is to better predict the pharmacological ageing processes in the kidney and therefore tob e able to better adapy the dose of renally eliminated drugs to age. It is our aim to increase the safety of drug therapy.
How did the funded trip help you with your research project?
In order to be able to study in detail the expression patterns of genes in animals of different ages, I wanted to characterise isolated RNA samples using RNA sequencing. Before my research sojourn, I mainly worked with classical molecular biology methods and I hat little experience in bioinformatics. This is why is was looking for an opportunity to establish an interdisciplinary collaboration. Thanks to my doctoral supervisor Prof. Gert Fricker, I got to know the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine, USA.
During my research stay, I was able to discuss our project with scientists from the bioinformatics department, there, plan the experimental design and create a network. The funded trip enabled me to acquire and deepen my knowledge in the field of bioinformatics.
I have successfully established a collaboration with sientists of the bioinformatics department in my host lab in Maine. My samples were sequenced at BioQuant in Heidelberg and with the help of the bioinformatics in Maine, I am currently analysing the data of the RNA sequencing. We have meetings on a regular basis where we discuss data and the analysis and I get important input for the next steps. I am sure that the collaboration with my host lab and our working group from Heidelberg strengthened existing cooperations and will help to expand them in the future.
Also, our professional exchange has helped to strengthen the presence of our working group in the field of gerontology. Probably, I would not have been able to be successful with my research projet without this stay, until to date. What really helped me a lot was the physical proximity as well as the scientific exchange on site.
What does the funding from the Young Researchers Fund mean to you?
I am grateful for the trust in my project and support of my research sojourn. This travel allowance from the Young Reserachers Fund allowed me to concentrate on my research abroad without financial worries.
The support from the Young Researchers Fund has showed me that there is lasting interest in my project which at the same time emphasizes its appreciaton and scientific relevance.
What are your plans for the time after your doctorate?
My goal is to use the knowledge I have acquired in an environment that allows me to make a lasting contribution to patient care.
After my doctorate, I would like to have a responsible position in the pharmaceutical industry, e.g. in the approval or quality control of drugs.
As of November 2023