Testimonials My Stay in Japan
Wei is from China. He has a Bachelor’s degree in East Asian Art History from Heidelberg University. After completing his double Master’s degree in Art History and Museology at the École du Louvre and Heidelberg University, he has been a doctoral candidate since autumn 2022 under the joint supervision of Prof. Dr Monica Juneja (Heidelberg University) and Dr Silvia Vesco.

Why did you decide to do your doctorate at Heidelberg University?
This decision was not difficult. I have already completed by Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at Heidelberg University. When it comes to East Asian Art History, Heidelberg University probably has the best library in Germany gives me access to valuable resources for my work. In addition to that, it offers an excellent infrastructure as well as opportunities for international exchange and collaboration with other universities worldwide.
What is the topic of your research?
My dissertation project deals with the exhibitions of Japanese art of the 20th century.that took place in Western Europe between 1980 and 2000. Based on the exhibition “Japon des avant-gardes: 1910-1970” (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1986-7), I analyse the discursive formations of the Japanese avant-gardes in Euro-American museums.
How did the funded trip help you with your research project?
Dank des Reisezuschusses des Young Researchers Fund war ich zwischen dem 4. und 20. August 2023 in Japan. Während dieser Zeit konnte ich verschiedene japanische Experten auf meinem Forschungsgebiet kennenlernen und wichtige Interviews mit den Organisatoren der Pariser Ausstellung führen. Darüber hinaus besuchte ich die Bibliothek des Hauptsitzes der Japan Foundation und die National Diet Library in Tokio, wo zahlreiche Literaturquellen auf Japanisch für meine Forschung verfügbar waren. Dort erhielt ich nach persönlichen Treffen Unterstützung und Zugang zu institutionellen Archiven, was ohne diese persönlichen Treffen nicht möglich gewesen wäre.
"Thanks to the YOUNG RESEARCHERS FUND, I was able to go to Japan betwenn 4 and 20 August 2023. There, I met various Japanese experts in my field of research and was able to conduct important interviews with the organisers of the Paris exhibitions. Besides, I visited the library of the headquarters of theJapan Foundation and the National Diet Library in Tokyo, where numerous sources of literatire in Japanese were available for my research. Personal meetings provided me with the necessary support and gave me access to institutional archives. Without these personal meetings, this would never have been possible.
What does the funding from the Young Researchers Fund mean to you?
The support from the Young Researchers Fund was crucial for me as it enriched my research sources and enabled numerous constructive meetings.
What are your plans for the time after your doctorate?
At the moment, this is hard to tell. I plan to continue my professional career in the field of art history and the academica world continues to fascinate me.
As of October 2023
My Research Sojourn in Maine, USA
Lisa studied pharmacy at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After having completed her practical year in the hospital pharmacy of the University Hospital Munich as well as in a public pharmacy and having obtained her licensure, she started her doctorate at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy at Heidelberg University. Currently, she is doing research regarding ABS transports in the kidney and supervising the laboratory practicals of pharmacy students.