Meeting of the scholarship holders in the HCA
This was the first meeting after a break due to COVID-19
The meeting of the scholarship holders on July 7, 2022 in the atrium of the Curt and Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais in the Heidelberg Center of American Studies (HCA) was a great opportunity for the scholarship holders present at the event to talk to each other for the first time or once again. After a short welcome by the “Deutschlandstipendium” team, Dr Patrick Wagner, coordinator and assistant to the head of heiSKILLS, gave an insight into the new skill and language centre of Heidelberg University. Afterwards, four former Germany scholarship holders and their professional and academic careers were at the centre of attention. They showed the current scholarship holders interesting options of how to continue after successfully having completed their studies - from a doctorate to self-employment to a successful start in a company. During the get-together, many scholarship holders took the opportunity for an exchange with the speakers and the other scholarship holders.