Knowledge and technology transfer Ideas competition 2024
The hei_INNOVATION ideas competition offers members of Heidelberg University the platform to present and advance their own innovative ideas and research results with potential for exploitation or change. The focus is on the potential of the idea to generate impact and contribute to solutions for the economic, ecological and social challenges of our time. No categories are defined. Each idea will be evaluated by hei_INNOVATION and a panel of renowned experts from business, culture and research for its impact potential. After the selection process, the best ideas will be presented and awarded prizes at the IMPACT DAY 2024 at Heidelberg University.

Winners of the Ideas Competition 2024
1st Place: Psychedelic therapy techniques
Judith Stirn, Christian Klein
"Our vision is to treat depression and other mental illnesses with novel psilocybin prodrugs that can be administered sublingually or nasally and thus act faster and more controllably than psilocybin, which is already in clinical trials."

2nd Place: MAIVY
Maria-Theresa Licka
App AI-based pest analysis in viticulture - a sustainable approach to reducing the massive use of pesticides in agriculture. With MAIWY, leaf diseases can be detected and analysed at an early stage, and winegrowers can take targeted measures to reduce large-scale pest infestations.

3rd Place: PredicTTE
Marcel Weinreich, Johnathan Cooper-Knock
PredicTTE is a platform for collaborative "time-to-event" predictions and sharing of clinical data. Predicting disease progression and prognosis is crucial for the optimal care of patients, and personalised medicine should make it possible to adapt medical treatments individually in the future.

Finalists 2024
From almost 80 ideas submitted, the hei_INNOVATION team selected the ten ideas with the greatest IMPACT potential in an initial evaluation round. These were presented by the idea providers to an external jury on IMPACT DAY 2024.
Who can take part in the ideas competition?
All members of Heidelberg University, including the University Hospital, who are enrolled or have a valid employment contract.
How will my idea be protected during the competition?
The ideas submitted will not be passed on to third parties. During the evaluation by external jurors, all jurors agree to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Our team is not from Heidelberg. Can we still participate?
If at least one team member is an enrolled student or has a valid employment contract with the University of Heidelberg, the (entire) team may participate in the competition.
Can I also participate in the competition as a start-up?
Start-ups can only participate in the pre-foundation phase, i.e. if they have not yet been founded or entered the market at the time of submitting their ideas.
Are there any costs associated with participation?
No, there are no costs associated with participating in the hei_INNOVATION ideas competition.
Do I have to present my idea at the final event?
Yes, if an idea is selected by the jury, the idea will be presented in front of an audience. All winners will receive professional pitch training in advance free of charge.
Can an idea also be submitted in English?
In principle, ideas should - if possible - be submitted in German. If you would like to submit your idea in English and still need support, please send an email to
Can I participate in the ideas competition a second time?
Yes, it is possible to enter the ideas competition a second time, even with the same idea.
Is the prize money earmarked for a specific purpose?
No, the prize money is not earmarked for a specific purpose.
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