hei_INNOVATION Ideas Competition 2024 Finalists
Voting for the Audience Award is closed.
Public Philosophy
Thomas Arnold, Anna Lambertz-Rohstock
Reason is a question of practice
Why are so many world views so poorly founded? Why are so many contributions to conversations so ill-considered? Why is so much behavior so unreflected? Because we don't practise thinking, arguing and reflecting properly! We are far too rarely introduced to questions that are not simply intended to clarify processes or solve problems, but that concern our own assumptions: Which terms do we actually use completely unquestioningly? Which arguments do we consider convincing? And which criteria do we apply as a matter of course? Philosophy has been asking and answering such questions for thousands of years (and also questions the meaning of these questions and answers themselves). It consists of attempts to reflect and argue systematically and in consideration of the most diverse topics. Unfortunately, however, this practice of reflection has so far been reserved for very few people...
We are changing that! "We" means Thomas Arnold, Anna Lambertz-Rohstock and the entire Public Philosophy initiative at the Department of Philosophy, which includes not only many students, but also Tom Wellmann and staff from the University of Education. In workshops, discussion formats and events, we philosophize in and with different publics in order to promote precisely this: joint discussion, recognition of erroneous conclusions and reflection on our own prerequisites. With our projects, we create opportunities to think about "big" questions in a low-threshold way.

Be Aware
Ioana Todosi, Monika Bancsina, Prof. Markus Pohlmann
Since too many people remain silent when bad things happen in companies or hospitals, an interactive online game increases the willingness to recognize misconduct and draw others' attention to it.
There is often silence around organizational misconduct, especially when rules are bent to benefit the company, so employees are reluctant to report for fear of reprisal. Although companies have recognized this problem, the effectiveness of their countermeasures to promote a "speak-up" culture remains insufficient, as posters and videos are often quickly forgotten or ignored.
To remedy this, we held face-to-face workshops in which employees took part in bridge-building activities that reflected real-life scenarios and provided valuable insights. However, logistical challenges and time constraints limited participation. Our video game also mimics an organization with hierarchical structures so that employees find themselves in real-life situations. This enables online interactions between colleagues from different cities/countries in a new way. The training creates a strong emotional impact as the participants are actively involved in the game. They have the opportunity to discuss misconduct and share their views on the culture of open exchange in their organization. In this way, not only is the fun factor increased, but also an awareness is created that helps to improve the culture of open speech in organizations.

Quantum computing
Julius Römer, Rasmus Bankwitz, Xinyu Ma
The idea uses photonic integrated circuits to precisely and simultaneously control any number of atoms with just one laser via a network of beam splitters and optical modulators, enabling a significant advance in the scalability and efficiency of neutral atom quantum computers that have the potential to achieve revolutionary breakthroughs in medicine, environmental engineering, security and beyond.
Imagine a world where diseases that are considered incurable today are curable within seconds. A world in which we not only understand climate change, but can effectively combat it. Or a world in which our data is protected by unbreakable encryption. Sounds like science fiction? Quantum computers are bringing this future closer to reality.
But one major challenge stands in our way: the efficient and scalable control of qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers. This is where our innovation comes in: We are revolutionizing quantum computer technology through the hybrid integration of photonic circuits, made of lithium niobate and silicon nitride. This not only significantly reduces the space required, but also makes it possible to scale quantum computers in a way that was previously unimaginable. Our approach makes it possible to precisely control any number of qubits - a breakthrough in terms of efficiency, scalability and cost reduction. This advance opens up unimagined possibilities: We can tackle problems that are unsolvable with today's computers. Whether in medicine, environmental technology or cryptography, our approach has the potential to radically change numerous fields. This offers a stepping stone to a future in which quantum computing revolutionizes the world as we know it. We are at the dawn of a new era of technology that we are ready to shape with our innovation.

Marcel Weinreich, Jonathan Cooper-Knock
Platform for collaborative "time-to-event" predictions and sharing of clinical data
In the future, personalized medicine should make it possible to individually adapt medical treatments. However, it still poses a major challenge when it comes to implementation. Predicting disease progression and prognoses is crucial for the optimal care of patients. However, this is currently only used to a limited extent, as it is difficult to convert existing clinical data into precise prediction models. This is why we have developed PredicTTE - a platform that enables accurate prediction models to be created from valuable data sets using artificial intelligence and without the need for extensive computing skills. These can then be made available to end users via an online portal.
All users can access other users' models in compliance with data protection regulations and use them themselves in everyday clinical practice or in the research laboratory. Of particular importance is the option to add your own data to an existing model. This expansion of the training data creates a dynamic, self-reinforcing cycle that constantly improves the models and adapts them to reality. Our initial data is already being used for the individual selection of a drug or in the search for new therapeutic approaches. PredicTTE is intended to support our medicine of the future, in which every treatment plan is as unique as the individual.

SICANN - Silicon Carbide Artifical Neural Networks
PD Dr. Johannes Schemmel
Artificial neural networks made of silicon carbide as a crucial building block for the production of green hydrogen using high-temperature geothermal energy
Climate change is a problem for our civilization. Geothermal energy could play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions. There are several reasons why it currently plays such a minor role. Our research idea will help to remove a major obstacle to using geothermal energy from volcanic hotspots such as Iceland for direct electricity generation: the lack of high-temperature control systems for directional drilling. At temperatures above 300 °C, silicon-based electronics no longer work. An alternative is the use of silicon carbide-based microchips. However, this technology is not yet mature enough to implement the complex computer circuitry required to control a drill head kilometers below the surface.
In our previous research, we have found a solution that can be applied to silicon carbide, creating the world's first intelligent high-temperature control system. Instead of digital technology, where information processing depends on the faithful reproduction of ones and zeros, we will use an analog neural network modeled on the biological nervous system. This will give the controller far greater redundancy against local component failures to overcome the manufacturing limitations of SiC technology. Such a system will be a component for geothermal power generation, a clean and infinite source of renewable energy.

Psychedelic therapy techniques
Judith Stirn, Christian Klein
Our vision is to treat depression and other mental illnesses with novel psilocybin prodrugs that can be administered sublingually or nasally and thus act faster and more controllably than psilocybin, which is already in clinical trials.
We are excited about the possibility of enabling new therapies with new molecules. In this project, we have produced psychedelic substances and optimized them for the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses. Psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, which is found in mushrooms, enable the remodeling of nerve connections in the brain. Under psychotherapeutic guidance, harmful patterns of thought and behavior can be broken beyond the duration of the acute effect. We find it particularly valuable that this form of therapy does not require the long-term administration of medication, but instead initiates a process of recovery.
In recent years, the effectiveness of this form of therapy has been proven, even in patients who have not responded to any other therapy and have suffered from depression for many years. The problem with psychedelic therapy sessions is that there is often a long wait for the effects to kick in. In addition, the intensity of the psychedelic experience during the therapy session can hardly be adapted to the patient's needs. We have therefore developed substances that can be administered in lozenges or nasal sprays. This allows them to be absorbed more quickly and makes the therapy controllable. We hope that this will make this new treatment method easier and more widely applicable for a widespread disease that causes a great deal of suffering for those affected.

Franz Zedler & Team
Better debates and discussions. For conflict resolution, stronger democracies and better decision-making.
We are developing a debating ecosystem to address challenges such as exclusion, social divide and decision making with a multi-platform app, debating GPTs, a blog on debate culture, integrated social media, a social game, etc. We address challenges such as exclusion, social division and decision-making difficulties by automatically bringing together dissenters (contrast matching), using AI and gamification for discussion tools (fact check, compromise tool, etc.) and formats (freestyle, traditional, visual), and offering personal coaching (mediation) and playful learning lessons (deeper learning) from communication experts. With our mission to strengthen democracy, peaceful and constructive constructive conflict resolution and productive decision-making, we address private individuals, companies, NGOs, educational institutions and political institutions.

Maria-Theresa Licka
App-AI based pest analysis in viticulture - a sustainable approach to reducing the massive use of pesticides in agriculture.
Vineyards account for around 5% of the total agricultural area in Germany. However, a disproportionately high number of pesticides and plant protection products are applied here every year, totaling around 20% of the total requirement in agricultural cultivation. As a result, grapes and their products sometimes contain more than 20 different pesticide residues, which are also consumed. The pesticides also end up in our entire habitat. The health risk of the cocktail effect from the multiple residues of different pesticides is largely unexplored scientifically. However, pesticides are linked to the occurrence of various diseases, including cancer. Therefore, the European Commission has proposed that pesticide use should be reduced by 50% by 2030. MAIWY is an App/KI solution to detect different vine diseases and deficiency symptoms.
MAIWY is installed on an iOS or Android cell phone and a vine leaf photo is analyzed directly, quickly and offline by MAIWY in the vineyard. MAIWY can be used without prior knowledge and is therefore also ideal for non-commercial winegrowers, seasonal workers and trainees. In addition, treatment suggestions and current/recent geographical distribution maps of different pest infestations can be called up. With MAIWY, leaf diseases can be detected and analyzed at an early stage. By taking targeted measures, winegrowers can reduce the large-scale spread of pest infestations, reduce the need to apply pesticides several times a year as a preventative measure and make future vine cultivation significantly more sustainable thanks to innovative technology.

Tawhid Hasan
ArguMind is a groundbreaking platform that uses artificial intelligence and interdisciplinary methods to enable users to analyze, present and engage with complex arguments to promote critical thinking and informed discourse.
In 1776, Americans overthrew colonial rule, driven by profound ideals: natural rights, liberty, and prosperity. These concepts, drawn from John Locke, deeply influenced the revolutionaries. Locke argued “all men are created equal” and possess “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This argument has reshaped history and shaped our world today. As meaning-making beings, humans develop narratives supported by strong arguments that shape our perceptions and actions, such as Marx's class struggle, the heliocentric model and the women's rights movement. Such arguments play a crucial role in science, in democratic societies and in personal development, as they promote intellectual growth and informed decision-making.
In the age of the information tsunami, profound arguments, though simple in themselves, are often obscured by peripheral material and the overwhelming amount of data. As a result, individuals find it difficult to discern what is essential. Moreover, large language models threaten critical thinking. This difficulty leads to misunderstandings that jeopardize cognitive development and hinder progress. ArguMind, a web application, rationalizes complex arguments and provides clear and easy access to arguments. With features such as concise representations of arguments, detailed references and visuals, users can navigate through the information with confidence. By fostering community-based discourse and learning, ArguMind promotes informed decision-making.

Climate policy and discourse monitor
Luise Nottmeyer & Team
We want to develop a universal climate policy and discourse monitor powered by Natural Language Processing and accessing a comprehensive database of unprecedented scale.
Participation in the recent COP28 international climate conference inspired us to reshape the landscape of international climate policy engagement through a ground-breaking Universal Climate Policy and Action Monitor. Our tool harnesses the power of natural language processing and draws on an extensive database of unprecedented scale to provide invaluable insights into the complex landscape of climate negotiations under the UNFCCC process. Get ready for the barriers to accessing vital information to be broken down and dive into the heart of global climate action yourself. We say goodbye to complexity and hello to clarity and transparency by bringing together a wide range of data sources in a dynamic and up-to-date overview of climate policy and representations.
This will foster collaboration and coordination between the various stakeholders. We are not just any team - with our diverse expertise in international climate policy, global health and data science, we are uniquely positioned to make this ambitious vision a reality. Together, we want to create positive change by empowering individuals and organizations to effectively engage in shaping a sustainable and equitable future. Vote for our project to drive progress on global climate action.