German citizensEnrolment in the 1st Academic Semester

Note on the application for winter semester 2024/25

The application portal is currently being redesigned. Some information on the application process may differ.

Master’s degree programmes

Applicants admitted to the Master's programme apply for enrolment via the online portal heiCO.

In a second step, the required enrolment documents must be received by post by the Student Administration Office within the enrolment deadline stated in the notification of admission.

Features specific to certain degree programmes

Some degree programmes have special features that students must be aware of. Further information can be found in the Study Programme Finder. Select your subject there.

Enrolment or change of degree programme?

If you are currently enrolled at Heidelberg University, it is not necessary to re-register or re-enrol in the Master’s degree programme – but you must officially change your degree programme.