Internship abroadIAESTE

IAESTE is a world-wide exchange programme and offers internships for students in the fields of science, engineering, and agriculture. For an application via the local committee you must be registered as a student at Heidelberg University or a technical college in Heidelberg.

New website

You can now find out even more about the work of IAESTE in Heidelberg on our new website.
IAESTE Homepage

About IAESTE Internships


IAESTE is active in many countries, the list reaches from Argentina to Uzbekistan. You should know that the demand for internships in English-speaking countries is extremely high, but the offer is rather low. Hence, the likelihood of doing an internship in an English-speaking country is very small. However, you can also have interesting cultural experiences in other countries. Usually communication during the internship will be in English.

Most students use the semester break in summer to do their internship. Yet, there are offers all year round and you are not limited to vacations. You have to go at least 6 weeks and can stay for a maximum of 1 year. The internship usually lasts between 2 to 4 months.



  • cannot be older than 30 years,
  • must be enrolled at a German university or technical college,
  • should be at least in the third semester of your bachelor studies,
  • should have an open heart for new experiences and foreign cultures.



  • Your nationality is irrelevant for the application.
  • Exchange students who do their semester abroad here in Germany must apply in their home country.
  • Students with multiple citizenships can only apply for IAESTE countries in which they are not citizens!

Application process - step by step

November – January

At the beginning of the “outgoing phase” we offer an informative meeting every year. You can find the exact date on our social media or on request via e-mail. Following, your preliminary application must be submitted via our international online application system, the “IAESTE Exchange Platform” (EP), until mid-January. For this purpose, you have to register and upload the following documents in English: (please use clear document names)


  • current Curriculum vitae  
  • current Transcript of records (A download from the LSF is sufficient for the pre-application; an official document is required later)
  • current Certificate of enrollment
  • English language certificate with identification of the level based on the Common European Framework of Reference (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate or the DAAD language certificate are accepted)


You will then receive a verification email that must be confirmed. After successful registration, you can then complete your preliminary application and change and expand it until January 12th. In the time that follows internships are collected by IAESTE members in over 80 countries and exchanged on an international level.


Online application system



From mid-February onwards internships will be allocated to our local committee and we can offer you a placement whereby we will try to consider your preferences from the application form as much as possible. If there are several applicants for one place or if there are not enough places for all applicants, we will conduct a small selection interview with you.



If you have been assigned to an internship and accepted it, it is time to assemble your final application and submit it to us or the DAAD. The documents will then be sent to the respective country via the DAAD. The deadline is usually March 15th.



After you got accepted by the employee you can apply for the DAAD travel allowance for internships outside Europe.


At last…

…the local committee in the destination country will organize your stay including accommodation, VISA, as well as arrival in the destination country and pick-up from the airport.


All internships with IAESTE are paid whereby a minimum wage has been agreed to for each country. For internships in Germany that are e.g. 861.00 € per month. For internships outside of Europe, you can apply for a travel allowance from the DAAD.


Feel free to contact us via e-mail, if you have further questions: