InternationalInternship abroad

With an internship abroad, you can ideally apply the specialist knowledge you acquired during your studies, gain your first professional experience and at the same time get to know a different culture and deepen your foreign language skills.

When looking for a suitable internship, a lot of personal initiative and individual planning are required, because there are no standardized application procedures for internships abroad. It is therefore important that you clearly define your own ideas and expectations at the beginning of the planning process before you start looking for a suitable internship. You should keep in mind that the term “internship” has different meanings in different countries.

Internship placement

Various information and placement agencies can help you in your search for an internship. The active placement of internships is usually subject to a fee, especially with private placement agencies. The DAAD brochure “Wege ins Auslandspraktikum” (Ways to an Internship Abroad) provides a very good overview of information and placement agencies, funding programs and financing options, as well as many helpful tips and hints for the application.


Only in rare cases are internships so well paid that all associated costs can be covered, often there is only an expense allowance or the internships are completely unpaid. Therefore, you should clarify early on whether you can receive a scholarship for your internship.

In other European countries (especially in France, Belgium and Spain), internship providers often require the conclusion of an internship agreement (Convention de Stage).


Some subjects offer internship exchanges for students, which may also contain information about internships abroad. You can also search for offers abroad via the internship and job exchange of the Career Service of Heidelberg University.


This program is aimed at students who would like to complete a study-related internship/practical study semester of between three (graduates: at least two ) and twelve months as part of their studies or directly following them (max. 1 year after graduation). You can apply for a grant to cover travel and accommodation costs and, if applicable, a grant for a language course. Eligible target countries are the countries of the EU, the EEA and Turkey. To a limited extent, internships outside Europe are also eligible for funding through ERASMUS+ worldwide.

Funding, especially for international internships, is very limited, which is why applications for the following semester are only possible within tight deadlines.

Therefore, please inform yourself in good time about the start of the application period and the documents to be submitted.

Scholarships are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis; only complete applications are eligible for funding!

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Travel allowances for internships abroad can be granted by the DAAD if the internship was arranged through the exchange organization IAESTE, AIESEC, bvmd, ZAD and DCGM.

Partial scholarships for a maximum of three months and a subsidy for travel expenses are awarded for the following programs:

  • Internships in German foreign missions or international organizations.
  • Internships in German schools abroad for German student teachers
  • Internships at institutes of the Max Weber Foundation
  • Internships at Goethe Institutes abroad
  • Internships with the German Archaeological Institute


Internships for Lawyers in Taiwan (ROC)

No application possible at the moment.

HAI - Internships in Germany and abroad

HAI members offer internships for Heidelberg students in Germany and abroad. The places are offered in institutions where they themselves work or with which they maintain close contacts.

Heidelberg Alumni France

Ruperto Carola students from various disciplines can apply for internships in French institutions where alumni work or have contacts.

Heidelberg Alumni Mexico

Heidelberg students from a wide range of disciplines can apply for internships at Mexican institutions.

New Zealand

Students of Heidelberg University have the opportunity to complete an internship at the University of Auckland (International Relations Office).


The international non-profit student organization AIESEC arranges, among other things, social projects and internships abroad for students of all disciplines, primarily in countries in South America, Asia and Africa.

Internship Program IAESTE

IASTE is a worldwide program and arranges and supervises internships for engineering and science students.

RISE worldwide

The DAAD arranges research internships worldwide and supports German bachelor students from the natural, life and engineering sciences with a scholarship.

Carlo Schmid Program

The “Carlo Schmid Program for Internships with International Organizations and EU Institutions” offers highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to become acquainted with working methods in the international administration sector. Applicants can either look for an appropriate internship on their own initiative, supported by a scholarship, or apply for one of the numerous internship opportunities advertised as part of the program.

ASA Program

The ASA program is an international exchange and scholarship program for students and people with professional training who want to work for a more globally just world. ASA participation includes two to three seminars lasting several days, a three- or six-month project phase in cooperation with partner institutions from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe, and impulses for reflection and long-term commitment.