Faculty of LawCorporate Restructuring – Master
The academic programme Legum Magister in corporate restructuring is aimed at German and foreign lawyers and economists who want to train or further develop their skills as experts for restructuring following an initial broad yet fundamental legal or business education and training as business consultants.
Facts & Formalities
Degree | Legum Magister Unternehmensrestrukturierung (LL.M. corp. restruc.) |
Type of programme | Continuing |
Start of programme | Winter semester only |
Standard period of study | 2 semesters |
Language(s) of instruction | German |
Fees and contributions | 8,000.00 € / Semester |
Application procedure | Continuing-education master’s programmes and Law - Legum Magister |
Application deadlines | Information about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program. |
Course Content
The degree programme provides students with an in-depth theoretical and practical advanced training course at the intersection between law, business economics, management and communication.
On the basis of the conveyed findings and methods, students learn to approach the complex problems associated with corporate crises in an interdisciplinary and interprofessional manner, and to solve them in a legally reliable and economically efficient way. They are taught to use instruments designed for the systematic early detection of corporate crises, to develop restructuring concepts, and to safeguard them in their application. In addition, the students acquire the ability to cope with crisis situations through internal and external communication. They learn to apply the theoretical knowledge previously acquired in business games designed and run by restructuring experts.
The high quality of the teaching is ensured by a top-class team of lecturers consisting of representatives from science and practice. It consists of professors from Heidelberg University’s Faculty of Law as well as external lecturers. They include experienced judges, lawyers who specialise in insolvency law or restructuring, renowned insolvency managers, partners in consulting firms, economists with a relevant job profile and communication experts.
Course Structure
The degree programme is generally designed as a one-year programme. It can optionally also be studied part-time as a two-year degree programme. The courses are taught as block courses over the course of three to four days with an additional examination day. The academic programme is divided into six modules:
Module 1: Restructuring and insolvency law
- Introduction to German, European & international insolvency law
- M&A in times of distress, insolvency & reorganisation
- Liquidation and partial wind-up/partial closure of business operations
- Working group: Introduction to commercial law
Module 2: Commercial law
- Introduction to accounting, disclosure and audit law
- Companies in distress: Problems & solutions from the perspective of commercial, corporate, company and insolvency criminal law
- Companies in distress: Problems & solutions from a banking, financial services and tax law perspective
- Legal matters and personnel restructuring practice; solutions involving employment and qualification companies
Module 3: Crisis management and communication
- Basics of financing
- Accounting, controlling, financial planning
- Crisis and reorganisation management
- Crisis and turnaround communication: Problems, measures and implementation of internal & external communication
- Working group: Introduction to business economics
Module 4: Interdisciplinary simulation game
- Crisis detection and identifying required action
- Development of emergency measures for insolvency prevention
- Development of strategic, operative and financial measures for result and liquidity improvement; inclusion of all measures in an overall concept
Module 5: Master’s thesis
Module 6: Final oral examination
My Way To Application And Admission
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