Service & Advice International Buddy Programme For International Students
In cooperation with the departments of the university, the International Relations Office offers a Buddy Programme for international students.
As part of this initiative, students from Heidelberg provide the newly arrived international students with active advice and assistance. International new arrivals will receive individual support from the moment they arrive, including information on recreational activities, creating a timetable and finding a room. The aim of the Buddy Programme is to promote intercultural encounters between German and international students.

What Is The Buddy Programme?
Registering your place of residence, transferring rent, giving presentations, talking to professors during their office hours. These changes can already be quite tough for newly enrolled German students but can quickly turn into a major challenge for international students. Not only have you just arrived alone in a foreign country but are now expected to cope with everyday life in an unfamiliar environment. The Buddy Programme provides support right from the beginning! The buddies are experienced, higher-semester students whose task is to assist their new international peers and help them ease into life in Heidelberg. They are volunteers who are dedicated to helping new international students integrate. Their main duties include practical tasks like picking you up from the station upon your arrival, helping you navigate Heidelberg and its surroundings, showing you around university and the different departments, or accompanying you to various public authorities. There are regular meet-up events during the semester that you can participate in with or without your buddy. You will also have the opportunity to practice your language skills or learn about other students’ cultures and experiences on little trips in the area surrounding Heidelberg, on movie nights or at the bowling alley.
Who Can Take Part?
In general, any international student can join the Buddy Programme. This includes Bachelor’s, Master’s and state examination students. Exchange students who intend to only spend a short time in Heidelberg are also welcome.
Any students from Heidelberg who are at least in their 3rd academic semester can register as buddies. International students in higher academic semesters can also register as buddies and share their experiences. In preparation for your role in the Buddy Programmes, we offer a workshop for intercultural competencies.
All students will receive a certificate stating their participation in the Buddy Programme.
There is a special tandem program for students of the Medical Faculty Mannheim. Further information can be found via the link below.