Scholarship holder Arjun Udupa launches podcast “The Life in Science“
During his bachelor’s degree at St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai, Arjun was already writing articles for blogs and magazines. With his podcast series “‘The Life in Science“, the master’s student in Molecular Biosciences is now venturing into new territory.
The idea for the podcast originated from his passion for science communication. Arjun’s goal is for scientists of Heidelberg University, as most recently Prof. Dr Selhuber-Unkel from the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering, to share their journeys across stages of their career and education. At the same time, the podcast is supposed to serve as a medium for students to learn from the experience of those who have already trodden the path of science. Also, his intention is to provide various perspectives for the listeners. To do so, he interviews scientists from Heidelberg with different backgrounds and in different stages of their career. Heidelberg University offers good conditions for the realisation of this project since there are only few places that offer the kind of scientific diversity as Heidelberg. This scientific diversity was also one of the main reasons why he decided to take up his Master's degree at Heidelberg University. What is positive and certainly very helpful for his podcast is the approachability of lectureres since one can contact them or schedule a meeting any time to discuss scientific concepts or difficulties and receive constructive feedback on ideas. For Arjun, the podcast represents an important medium since it helps him stay connected to science communication during his studies.
We are already excited to see what ideas Arjun will come up with in the future – his regular biking along the Neckar towards Ziegelhausen will certainly provide him with the necessary inspiration.