
Patents & Intellectual PropertyIP Consultation

Service Offer

The Research Division offers all employees of Heidelberg University a consultation hour on questions and topics concerning intellectual property (IP).

Which topics can be addressed at the IP consultation?

  • inventions,
  • patent applications,
  • intellectual property rights,
  • exploitation strategies

The conversation will be held confidential.

What questions are answered?

  • Is my idea inventive? If so, what can and must I do?
  • How can inventions be protected? What do I need to pay attention to?
  • What is the process from invention to patent at Heidelberg University?
  • What opportunities do I have for exploiting my invention?
  • How does the University support me in this process?

When does the IP consultation take place?

Any time by appointment!

Via videoconference, telephone or on site at the Carolinum (Seminarstraße 2, room 184, 1st floor) or at your institute.

How do I get to the appointment?

Please contact Dr. Christoph Meyer or Carolin Pfisterer-Weik:

christoph.meyer@zuv.uni-heidelberg.de or +49 6221 54-12612

carolin.pfisterer-weik@zuv.uni-heidelberg.de or +49 6221 54-12611