Empowering Ideas, Inspiring Tomorrow
How can the relevance of research for society, business and politics be experienced? How can its benefits be communicated and how can impact be generated? Knowledge and technology transfer are the focus of the annual IMPACT DAY at Heidelberg University.
The IMPACT DAY facilitates encounters and inspires – in addition, new contacts are made and ideas are exchanged. hei_INNOVATION organizes this day for all members of Heidelberg University to show how interesting, versatile, exciting and fascinating knowledge and technology transfer can be – from the latest inventions to social innovations.
May 15, 2024 | Schedule
- from 12 noon: Food trucks (Uniplatz)
- 1 pm: Opening of transfer islands and guided tour I (Foyer New University)
- 1 - 5 pm: Workshops (New University & University Administration)
- 2 pm: Guided tour II Transfer Islands (Foyer New University)
- 4.30: Guided tour III Transfer Islands (Foyer New University)
- 6 pm: Evening program (Aula New University)
- 7:30 pm: Get-together (Foyer New Auditorium)
From 12 noon, the food trucks from “Die Worschdkischd” , Micha's Flammerie and Soueis will be on the Uniplatz.
Food vouchers worth € 5 can be purchased for € 2 at the hei_INNOVATION booth. The boothis located in the glass cube in the foyer of the New University behind the transfer islands. Vouchers only while stocks last, so make sure to stop by early.
You also have the chance to win a 50 € voucher for the cafeteria at the hei_INNOVATION prize competition.
Transfer Islands
IMPACT DAY presents strong transfer projects at Heidelberg University and the faces behind them on four transfer islands in the foyer of the New University on the topics of social relevance, market maturity, access to science and sustainability.
There will be guided tours through the transfer islands throughout the day, where you can learn more about the projects and the faces behind them:
- 1 pm: Island Tour I
- 2 pm: Island Tour II
- 4.30 pm: Island Tour III
Between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., IMPACT DAYS workshops will be held on the topic of
innovation and transfer. Registration in advance is recommended, as there are only a limited number of places available in all workshops.
- Funding Opportunities for Academic Transfer/Start-up Projects (EN)
- How to protect your Intellectual Property (EN)
- Social Entrepreneurship: How to turn your studies into impact (EN)
- How to Start a Podcast (DE)
- Wissenschaftskommunikation (DE)
- Design Thinking Express (EN)
- Warum nicht die Welt retten? – Das Impactpotential von Forschungsprojekten erkennen und nutzen (DE)
- „Show and Tell!” Möglichkeiten und Anforderungen forschungsbasierter Ausstellungen (DE)
Evening program
The evening program continues in the Neue Aula of the university. Registration for this part of the day is possible to ensure a good place - spontaneous visitors are also welcome! What is happening?
Final of the hei_INNOVATION ideas competition 2024
The hei_INNOVATION ideas competition was announced for the second time in fall 2023. Of the ideas submitted, the top 3 will once again present their ideas to the audience in pitches and the prizes will be awarded. The Audience Award will also be presented at this event. Anyone who would like to vote for the Audience Award can do so until May 14, 2024!
Interview with Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Katja Patzel-Mattern and special guest Tijen Onaran
Jan-Martin Wiarda talks to the Vice-Rector for Innovation and Transfer, Prof. Dr. Katja Patzel Mattern and the entrepreneur, investor and author Tijen Onaran.
Get-together in the foyer
hei_INNOVATION invites all interested parties to network and exchange ideas over a drink and snacks in the foyer of the Neue Aula.

Impact Day 2024 Gallery
Information on accessibility
We would of course like to make it possible for you to participate in IMPACT DAY 2024. If you have any questions or comments on accessibility, please contact rahel.weber@uni-heidelberg.de in advance.