
Heidelberg Campus Online

On Thursday 25.07.2024 from around 18:30, the heiCO platform will be unavailable for approximately 15 minutes due to a planned maintenance window.

Heidelberg University is implementing a new campus management system called “heiCO” - Heidelberg Campus Online. In the future, this will unite all processes of the “student-life-cycle” from application and admission to degree programmes to the compilation of courses, the administration of examinations and graduation in one web-based system. The previous systems (HIS-POS, LSF etc.) will be successively superseded. The project will be introduced in close coordination with the Prorectorate for Studies and Teaching.


heiCO creates a uniform university architecture for the effective and legally compliant administration of degree programmes. The legal requirements regarding statistics, privacy and documentation of decisions can be better met through technically correct depiction, and new self-service functions for students will sustainably relieve the burden on examination offices and academic advisors. 

The introduction of the new system will take place step by step in the coming months. First, the “go-live” for application and admission management took place in the first week of December 2022. This means that since the beginning of December, practically all application and admission procedures are implemented in heiCO and that applicants can apply for a study place is made using the platform. Applicants will find a step-by-step guide for the application process in heiCO at the bottom of the page. 


The introduction of the productive system will be carried out step by step in the coming months. The previous systems (HIS-Modules, HIS-LSF, Sign-up, etc.) will be successively replaced.  

(12/22): Application/Admission/Fee Management have gone live  

The application and admissions management went live in the first week of December 2022. This means that since then, all application and admission procedures have been implemented in heiCO to the greatest possible extent and an application for a university place is made using it.

Fee processes also run completely in heiCO. 

All students have access to the system and all student data and academic backgrounds have been transferred to heiCO.  

(02/23): The first degree programmes - the Bachelor's degree programme Geography 100% and the Master's degree programme Economics - went live as pilot programmes in heiCO 

From 06.02.23 you will find the courses of the summer semester (SoSe 2023) of the pilot study programmes Bachelor Geography 100 % and Master Economics in heiCO. 

Important to know: 

  • For all other degree programmes, the courses are available as before in LSF or the programme-specific platforms. 
  • From 13.02.23 onwards, courses of the pilot programme Bachelor Geography 100% can only be registered for via heiCO!  

(07/23): Examination administration for pilot degree programmes takes place in heiCO 

Exclusively for students of the two pilot degree programmes, academic achievements will also be visible in heiCO during the summer semester. The examination administration of the pilot degree programmes is now carried out in heiCO.  

(10/23): Roll-out phase 1  

The degree programmes English Studies, German Studies, Pharmacy, Molecular Biotechnology and the Medical Degree Programmes of the Medical Faculties of Heidelberg and Mannheim start in heiCO. 
Important to know: 

  • As of 01.10.23, courses in these degree programmes can only be registered for via heiCO. 
  • For students of these degree programmes, academic achievements will become visible in heiCO during the winter semester. 
  • Examination administration for these degree programmes is now carried out in heiCO.  

(02/24) Roll-out phase 2

Since 05.02.24, all subjects are able to create and release courses in heiCO so that students can register for the courses via heiCO. For students of all subjects, the application "My Degree Programme" has been activated. 
According to current planning, achievements from all degree programmes will also be visible in heiCO by the end of May.

(06/24) Roll-out phase 2 

All degree programmes have been migrated to heiCO with all lecturers and students, and all course bookings and academic achievement bookings are made completely in heiCO. 


heiCO Information Events and Round Tables

As a fundamental structural and process-related change project, heiCO has points of contact with many areas and institutions of Heidelberg University at almost all levels. The coordination and introduction of such substantial process changes naturally go hand in hand with numerous concerns and clarification requirements.

In order to intensify contact with the interested parties, especially during the current roll-out phase 2, and to strengthen the mutual exchange, the heiCO team has been offering monthly information events about the introduction project since the beginning of the year. Under the moderation of the project leader Ms. Rink and the Vice-Rector for “Studium und Lehre” Prof. Hertel news, current developments and challenges of the University are presented and questions, concerns and suggestions of the participants are attributed. Everyone interested is warmly invited to attend; Pre-registration for the event is not necessary.

At the round tables, interested parties can then get in touch with the experts from the sub-projects and clarify specific questions and concerns directly on site. Questions can be submitted up to one week before the events - as an additional offer. The round tables take place as part of the heiCO information events.

We look forward to your visit and our exchange with you!

Next event: tba

Please note that the information event is conducted in German.


Information Offers and Support

If you would like to receive regular updates on the status of the heiCO project, simply subscribe to our newsletter. (Click on Newsletter on the right). If you have questions about heiCO, please have a look at our FAQ. (Click on FAQ on the right). 

We have provided some PDF manuals for applicants and students here on the website. You can find them by clicking on the "Manuals for applicants and students" tile below.

To make heiCO easier to use for employees, we have created a comprehensive range of PDF click guides and some video tutorials. If you click on “Manuals for employees” on the right, you will be taken to the Sharepoint page where the manuals are available. (Registration with employee Uni ID required.) There you will also find the link and the enrolment key for the Moodle course with the video tutorials.

In case of difficulties, malfunctions or technical questions you can contact the heiCO - Helpdesk. 

You can reach us by: 

  • Submitting your request directly online (click on Send an e-mail to heiCO support on the right). 
  • Sending an e-mail to heico-support [at] uni-heidelberg.de. 
  • Calling us between 10:00 - 16:00 under the telephone number +49 6221 54 - 12999

If you have any questions regarding the degree programme or legal issues, please contact the SERVICEPORTAL FOR STUDENTS. 

  • Office hours:  Monday to Thursday, 10:00-16:00, and Friday, 10:00-14:00 (Carolinum, Seminarstr. 2, 69117 Heidelberg, Room 36). 
  • Telephone: +49 6221 54-5454 Telephone consultation hours:  Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00, and Friday, 9:00-13:00 
  • E-mail: studium @ uni-heidelberg.de