Service and Advice Service Portal for Students

The service portal for current and prospective students is the information hub for the array of university information, guidance and administrative services for both German and international students. Representatives from Student Administration and the Student Advisory Office are on hand to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.


Initial information on general questions concerning academic studies for both German and international students. If necessary, referral to the relevant advisory and administrative services.

Office hours
Mon. – Thurs. 10am – 4pm
Fri. 10am – 2pm

You can call us with your concerns and questions on 06221 54-5454.
Telephone consultation hours
Mon. – Thurs. 9am – 4pm 
Fri. 9am – 1pm

You also reach us via e-mail:


Application, admission, matriculation, leave of absence, exmatriculation, etc.

Office hours
Mon. – Thurs. 10am – 4pm
Fri. 10am – 2pm

An English-speaking service is guaranteed during the following times:
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 12pm 
Tues., Thurs. 2pm - 4pm 


Information and counselling, courses, competency building. Use the Service or Telephone Portal to schedule an extensive appointment with the central student advisory office

Office hours

Mon. – Thurs. 10am – 4pm
Fri. 10am – 2pm

Online consultation hour via heiCONF

Mon. – Thurs. 4 – 4.30 pm
Fri. 2 – 2.30 pm


Information and counselling for current and prospective international students on study options and the application process ; semester events programme (excursions, tutorials, Buddy Programme, etc.); other relevant information (student associations, culture, leisure activities, etc.)

Office hours
Mon. – Thurs. 10am – 4pm
Fri. 10am – 2pm

IT - Service Point

The IT Service team offers advice and first level support for users of all URZ IT services.

Office hours
Tues and Thurs 10am – 3pm
Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am – 3pm (April and October)

heiCO Support

Questions about heiCO can be answered by the heiCO support team, who are available to help you with technical problems, faults and other concerns relating to the Campus Management System. 

Office Hours
Tues und Thurs 10am –  3pm


Support for doctoral students during registration in the heiDOCS portal and in handling the online doctoral file (creation of the doctoral file, data entry, updating, technical problems, etc.).
Information on enrolment and change to doctoral studies as well as the application for exemption from compulsory enrolment for doctoral students.

You can reach us by e-mail:

and Mon-Thu 9-11:30 and 12:30-15 and Fri 9-12 by phone: +49 (0)6221 / 54-12204 and -12205


Please book individual counselling appointments with the Team Inklusives Studieren here:

Consultation Booking

You can also reach us directly during our open telephone consultation hours on Tuesdays between 01 p.m. - 02 p.m. +49 (0)6221 / 54 12238 or Thursdays between 02 - 03 p.m. +49 (0)6221 / 54 12215

Contact for student issues


Main address
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg
Room 35
Mailing address
Seminarstr. 2
D-69117 Heidelberg
P.O. Box
Postfach 10 57 60
D-69047 Heidelberg