Faculty of Economics and Social SciencesPolitical Science – Bachelor 50%
Students of the degree programme in Political Science primarily study the organisation and functioning of political institutions, the agencies and processes operating between state and society, the complexion of governance as a function of state policy, and international relations.
Facts & Formalities
Degree | Bachelor of Arts |
Type of programme | Undergraduate |
Start of programme | Winter semester only |
Standard period of study | 6 semesters |
Language(s) of instruction | German and English |
Fees and contributions | 151.05 € / Semester |
Application procedure | Subjects with local admission restriction |
Application deadlines | Information about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program. |
Teaching degree option | Yes |
Course Content
Political science is the study of the organisation and functioning of political institutions, the agencies and processes operating between state and society, the complexion of governance as a function of state policy, and international relations. To this extent, Political Science is the designation for scholarly analysis of the “striving for a share of power or for influence on the distribution of power” (Max Weber) and the binding settlement of societal conflicts over desired values and goods in domestic policy, foreign policy, and international relations.
In Germany, Political Science was only established to any significant degree as a scholarly discipline after World War Two. However, its traditions are in part much older. Ultimately, philosophical engagement with policy and politics dates back to the theories of governance advanced by the Greek philosophers of antiquity, notably Plato and Aristoteles. But Political Science also has a younger component. As a social science, it is a modern empirical discipline initially established largely in the United States and Europe.
Course Structure
The Bachelor’s degree programme consists of a variety of modules, typically made up of two courses and their associated examinations, for which students normally earn ten credits. The B.A. degree programme as a major (B.A. 75% and B.A. 50%) is divided into two sections. In the first three to four semesters, students in the B.A. 50% programme will complete modules POL_P1 and POL_P7, as well as three of the remaining five modules, which may be individually selected:
- POL_P1: Introduction to Political Science
- POL_P2: Fundamentals of Political Theory
- POL_P3: Fundamentals of the Political Systems in Germany and the EU
- POL_P4: Fundamentals of International Relations
- POL_P5: Fundamentals of the Comparative Analysis of Political Systems
- POL_P6: Fundamentals of Policy Research
- POL_P7: Empirical Methods 1 (Economics and Social Statistics)
In the second part of the programme, students will build upon the fundamental knowledge acquired in the courses already taken and will determine their own individual areas of specialisation, with a broad, and generally free, selection of advanced courses from the elective modules.
The polyvalent Bachelor's degree opens up two qualification options: the academic training can serve as the basis for the Master of Education in the Lehramt Gymnasium profile if the career goal is to become a teacher. At the same time, the polyvalent Bachelor can be the basis for a Master of Arts or Master of Science. This study decision can be made during the Bachelor's degree programme.
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