
Inclusive StudiesLiterature procurement

Study assistance

Students with disabilities can make use of study assistance, which can be financed by integration aid, if they need any help with procurement and preparation of literature, among other things. We are happy to help with the application process.

Research options and loan periods

The University Library (UB) has a wide range of catalogues, databases, e-journals, and CD-ROMs that can be consulted online. Scientific publications can be downloaded via the Heidelberg Document Server (HeiDok).

The regular loan period of four weeks plus two extensions must be observed by students with impaired hearing or vision as well. However, if renewal is not possible due to a reservation, the UB offers to procure the required books additionally on request.
Procurement proposals can be submitted online. You can cite your hearing or visual impairment as justification for the purchase.

Literature for visually impaired students

Various institutions and organisations have set themselves the goal of helping blind and visually impaired people to find and prepare literature. We would like to briefly introduce you to some of them below:

Deutsche Blinden-Bibliothek (dbb)

(German Library for the Blind) lends literature on CDs and in braille free of charge. It also produces and publishes the weekly audio version of the news magazine “Der Spiegel”.

Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e. V. (DVBS)

Maintains the “Aufsprachedienst für wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur (ADW)” (recording service for scientific literature) and organises nationwide meetings of blind and visually impaired students.

Süddeutsche Blindenhör- und Punktschriftbücherei e.V. (SBH)

Closest audio library: Siemensstraße 52a, D-70469 Stuttgart, Phone: (+49 71 1) 13 53 10 0, Fax: (+49 71 1) 13 53 10 20.

Emil-Krückmann-Bibliothek (der Deutschen Blindenstudienanstalt e. V.)

Lends audio books and books in braille.

Dortmund University Library

Operates the relevant catalogue for literature implemented for visually impaired persons (Katalog für sehgeschädigtengerecht umgesetzte Literatur; SehKOn) in the German-speaking area.

Bayerischer Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund e.V. (BBSB)

Offers a text transfer service (into braille, on audio cassette, or into large print).

Centre for digital accessibility and assistive technologies at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Access@KIT)

Offers not only a comprehensive media library with the option of remote loans but also the preparation of study literature in electronic form (for a fee).

Open university Hagen

The programmes offered by the open university Hagen generally can be used by blind and visually impaired students who are properly enrolled at a different university as well. Most courses are optionally offered in braille.