
Inclusive studiesAccessibility Working Group

The Accessibility Working Group networks and supports stakeholders – staff and students – in their efforts to transform the university into a space where everyone can participate without any obstacles. We want to make existing initiatives visible and link them, win over further actors and cooperation partners, and initiate new activities. We also invite external experts to our round table for this to share their knowledge, present best practice examples, and offer ideas. 

You are welcome to participate at your preferred level of researching, working, teaching, and learning to break down barriers. We are looking for possible solutions rather than merely lamenting the many existing problems. We will gladly add you to our mailing list on request and invite you to our monthly meetings. 

Dates in WiSe 2023/24

Tue, 10.10.2023, 1p.m.- 2 p.m.

Thu, 14.12.2023, 1p.m.- 2 p.m.

We meet online via heiCONF.

The Accessibility Working Group (AG Barrierefreiheit) originally goes back to a student initiative of the AK Lehre und Lernen of the Student Council (AK LeLe). It has always been managed by Dr. Rafael Klöber (heiSKILLS: Lehren & Lernen). Other university stakeholders, such as the higher education didactics team, the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Officer (UNIFY), the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and, first and foremost, the interested or affected teachers and students have become involved in the issues, leading to the founding of the university-wide Accessibility Working Group. 

Contact in the secretary’s office of the Central Student Advisory Office: Nadine Knopf, phone: 5412231, nadine.knopf@zuv.uni-heidelberg.de