Qualitätssicherung System accreditation
The University of Heidelberg would like to continuously develop its quality in study and teaching, research and promotion of young talents as well as services with its QM system heiQUALITY and improve its competitiveness.

In addition, the university wants to fulfill the legal requirements for quality assurance of its study courses with its QM system and has successfully certified heiQUALITY for study and teaching with the system accreditation procedure on 30.09.2014. In the course of the Bologna Process, proof of continuous quality assurance of the newly introduced Bachelor's and Master's programmes has become mandatory. The Higher Education Institutions in Baden-Württemberg are required by the Higher Education Act to accredit the tiered degree programmes (LHG 2005, § 30, Para. 3). Due to the successful system accreditation, the University of Heidelberg is now certified to carry out this accreditation of its study programmes independently.
Both programme and system accreditations are carried out in Germany by accreditation agencies, which are accredited and also quality-checked by the "Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany", the so-called "Accreditation Council". This in turn is established by the Standing Conference of the Länder Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.
The Accreditation Council specifies - in accordance with European guidelines - the framework conditions and criteria for accreditations.