
RectorateAcademic Advisory Council (AAC)

Founded in 2006 during the planning of the institutional strategy, the role of the Academic Advisory Council (AAC) was to advise on strategy for Heidelberg University in connection with the Excellence Initiative. It gave institutional form to existing longstanding contacts between the university and numerous eminent international scholars and representatives of industry.

Terms of Reference

Since the implementation of the institutional strategy cannot be separated from the general development of the university, the advisory function of the Council has meanwhile been extended. The AAC continues to monitor and accompany the implementation of the institutional strategy and advises the Rectorate on all questions related to conceptualising the university’s future development. The AAC’s members bring with them international scientific and economic expertise. The Council generally meets with members of the Rectorate twice a year in order to discuss current developments and planning at the university along with fundamental strategic issues.


The AAC consists of eminent scholars and experts from international universities and research institutions, high-ranking representatives of industry and senior academics from Heidelberg University.

The AAC currently has 15 members:

  • 11 external members from academia
  • 2 external members from the business community
  • 2 internal members from Heidelberg University