HAInews 2023/02New Donation Fund to Support Global Health Education
A newly established fund is intended to continue the long-standing commitment of Heidelberg health scientist Prof. Dr Andreas Ruppel
The biologist, who died in autumn 2021, taught and researched at the university's Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH) until 2011. Until his death at the age of 75, he was committed to combating poverty and disease and to supporting young scientists. The Andreas Ruppel Fund, to which alumni can donate, is intended to support students and young researchers as well as teaching activities.
Andreas Ruppel, who joined the then Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health at Heidelberg University in 1979 and became Professor of Parasitology in 1997, led teaching at what is now the HIGH from 2007 until his retirement. He became a mentor and friend to numerous students from all over the world. In his research, he focused primarily on the tropical worm disease schistosomiasis or bilharzia – a disease that primarily affects people living in poverty. This focus offered him the opportunity to "contribute to solving real problems", which was an important concern for him throughout his life. His scientific work led to close cooperation and many lifelong friendships with colleagues worldwide. Andreas Ruppel organised numerous workshops and symposia in the field of public health for international students and even in his retirement regularly organised corresponding alumni summer schools.
The funds from the Andreas Ruppel Fund are to be used for support in the spirit of his work over many years: Accordingly, it can be used to finance scholarships, travel expenses to conferences and participation in workshops for students. Furthermore, the fund can be used to support dissertation projects, develop new courses or pay external lecturers. If you would also like to support these goals, please donate to the Andreas Ruppel Fund.
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