HAInews 2023/01 Business Talk and Business Cards
Business e-mails, resumes for job applications, or professional presentations – the participants in the “Business English” language course offered exclusively for HAI members by the Language Centre (ZSL) of Heidelberg University from November 2022 to March 2023 dealt with topics like these. The online course was part of the new offers around the development and expansion of the career area at HAI.

What do I need to consider in English business talk as opposed to small talk? How do I politely say goodbye to a conversation? What belongs to a meaningful resume and how do I expand my professional network? These and other questions were part of the teaching program, which the head of the language course divided into the four topics "Communication & Presentation", "Resumes, Job Applications & LinkedIn", “Professional Networking” and “Emails” worked out with the participants in 15 sessions. German-Canadian Saskia Shillington, who teaches as a language teacher at ZSL, TU Dresden and Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt, praised the participants, who worked and discussed very well and in an extremely communicative way: “They all had different professional backgrounds, which I found very good, as this led to very interesting topics of discussion and perspectives.” The topics of networking, writing e-mails, job applications and giving presentations were particularly well received by the participants, but small grammar contributions and exercises in reading and listening comprehension were also well received.
The course “Business English” was the first language course offered by the Central Language Laboratory in cooperation with HAI especially for HAI members. Due to the positive response, ZSL will offer the course again in cooperation with HAI in the summer semester 2023: You can register for each of the 15 Saturday dates from May 6 to August 12 via the link below. In addition, HAI members can take advantage of the regular continuing education courses offered by ZSL at student rates.