
RAN Ambassador ProfilesPhD Emel Baloglu

Porträt Emel Baloglu

I think every researcher has to experience working and living in a different environment not only to advance their scientific carrier; but also their view and understanding of different cultures, life, etc. Based on all my positive impressions I would like to tell my students, colleagues and researchers around about the excellent scientific landscape and highly active student and cultural life in Heidelberg.

PhD Emel Baloglu

Current institution

Department of Pharmacology, Medical School of Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar Üniversitesi – Istanbul, Turkey

Research Focus

Regulation of ion channels and transporters by G proteins or G protein coupled receptors in cardiovascular and pulmonary systems

Research stays in Heidelberg

  • 07/2017 – HAIreconnect
  • 11/2006 to 04/2014 – Heidelberg University Hospital and German Center for Lung Research Heidelberg


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