
HAInews 2023/02Following the Success of the Basic Course: Advanced Course “Business English” starts in Autumn

Due to the great success of the first “Business English” courses exclusively for HAI members, and to complement the existing offer, there will be an advanced course in autumn 2023. This is aimed at participants of the first courses, but also at people with adequate language proficiency acquired elsewhere.

“Business English” was the first language course offered by the Language Centre (ZSL) in cooperation with HAI specifically for HAI members. The online course took place for the first time from November 2022 to March 2023. Due to the positive response, another basic course has been running since May and will continue until August. In this course, participants deal, for example, with CVs for job applications, with appropriate wording in business emails or with professional presentations.

Ausschnitt Veranstaltungsplakat Business English

“Not only did I improve my English, but I also gained more confidence in my ability to express myself in English-speaking contexts such as conferences and networking. I can recommend the course to anyone who wants to improve their language skills in a professional environment,” said Iris Teicher. And Kyeeong Hwa Lee, like several other course members, wanted "a continuation course where we can continue to practice and deepen our acquired knowledge". Such an advanced training is now planned for autumn 2023.

The course will be offered at level C1/C2 (Competent Use of Language) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and is aimed at graduates of the first two basic courses as well as people with corresponding self-acquired previous knowledge. All HAI-registered alumni, students, researchers or university staff can use this online course to professionalise their skills for their job and career from the comfort of their own home. To verify your HAI membership, please use your HAImail when registering.

Further information on the course content and registration deadlines will follow in good time before the start of the winter semester.