Field of Focus IIIResearch Activities 2013-2019

In 2019 Field of Focus 3 especially supported projects from the thematic spectra Cultural Heritage and Transcultural Studies. A further emphasis was put on approaches within Digital/Computational Humanities and their cross-linking at Heidelberg University.

Funds were given for interdisciplinary designed projects which will either host a kick-off workshop or prepare a proposal for third party funding. Both funding lines are meant to strengthen the Field of Focus‘ profile or to build bridges to Field of Focus 4.

Knowledge Transfer to students and the wider public is realized through the promotion of research-based programs in traditional and innovative subjects such as the Master of Transcultural Studies (MATS) or the Master in Medieval Studies. The research-based teaching of the humanities at Heidelberg University provides ideal preparation for future teachers, cultural workers, and decision-makers. Additionally, two research associations – the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” (until Oct 2019) and the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 933 “Material Text Cultures” – have been a great support at the level of strategic science communication. Each association presents their research to the public with lecture series, round tables, guided tours of special collections, video clips, and Social Media.

Funded projects 2019


Funded projects 2018


Realizing Values

Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft)

Heidelberger Forum Edition
Prof. Dr. Ludger Lieb (Germanistisches Seminar)
Cultural Heritage
Prof. Dr. Christian Witschel (Heidelberg Zentrum Kulturelles Erbe)