
Frequently asked questionsCooperations

Where can I go if I am interested in technologies from the University?

If you are interested in Heidelberg University technologies, please contact ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH, which is a 100% subsidiary of the university and acts as a consulting and exploitation company for academic technology transfer.

ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH

How can I participate in hei_INNOVATION activities as a company or institution?

There are various possibilities to cooperate with hei_INNOVATION as an individual or company - as a mentor or impulse generator on topics of the continuing education programmes, as a sponsor of an event or programme or as a challenger donor enabling teams to work on an individual problem in the programmes. Please feel free to contact us if you have a concrete idea of cooperation or would like to exchange ideas.

hei_INNOVATION Contact persons

Can I include my course in the Entrepreneurial Skills Certificate?

To find out whether you can integrate your course into the Entrepreneurial Skills Certificate, please contact the hei_INNOVATION team via lehre@heiinovation.uni-heidelberg.de. In general, all courses that deal with entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship components are suitable.

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