Examination Management

For many students, preparing for examinations can be an extremely stressful time. Heidelberg University supports students throughout the administrative tasks involved in examinations and offers advisory sessions and support to help students with the management of their examinations, and exam-related anxiety.

Offers for Exam Preparation and Consulatation

Advisory Services for all Students who are training to become teachers in German secondary schools (Gymnasium)

The State Examination Office for Teachers (Landeslehrerprüfungsamt) provides advisory services for all students who are training to become teachers in German secondary schools (Gymnasium). The State Examination Office for Teachers holds weekly consultation hours at Heidelberg University. In addition, there are a range of information events. Students are also welcome to seek advice by telephone or email by getting in touch with the Karlsruhe branch of the State Examination Office for Teachers.

Organisational Matters Relating to Audits

Lehramt Staatsprüfung

Die Erste Staatsprüfung für Studierende mit dem Studienziel Staatsexamen für Lehramt an Gymnasien richtet sich nach der Gymnasiallehrerprüfungsordnung von 2009. Wichtige Informationen zur Anmeldung und Durchführung der Ersten Staatsprüfung, sowie die benötigten Anträge stellt die Universität Heidelberg für die Studierenden online bereit.

Study Regulations and Examination Regulations

The examination regulations regulate the structure of the course of study for each subject and determine the standard period of study. The examination regulations also provide evidence of knowledge of foreign languages, possible combinations and, in particular, academic and exam performances.