StudyCourse catalogues
Courses in heiCO
Heidelberg University has introduced the new campus management system heiCO. From summer semester 2024, courses will be managed exclusively via heiCO and can be accessed there. This includes all registrations for these courses and all exam registrations for this and subsequent semesters.
However, there are still exceptions: In LSF, all courses from the Central Facilities, heiSKILLS Competence and Language Centre, University Sports, heiINNOVATION Entrepreneurship Education, Capella Carolina and Collegium Musicum are still offered under the heading Courses for students of all faculties. This also applies to enrolments for these courses that are not listed in heiCO.
Download the heiCO course catalogues
You can download the course catalogues as PDF files here.
The PDFs show the status at the beginning of the lecture period. If you would like to see the latest version of the events offered at Heidelberg University, please use the event search in heiCO. All courses (with the exception of the Medical Faculties) can also be searched and filtered without registration. If you wish to register for courses, you must first register in heiCO.
The PDF course catalogues were generated from heiCO for the first time in the summer semester 2024 and the technology developed specifically for this purpose is still in the beta phase. The PDF directory will be gradually optimised over the coming semesters.
Currently, all first names are displayed for the lecturers of the courses. It is not possible to change this display for the time being. A long-term solution is being worked on.
Download the course catalogues (Faculties)
Download the course catalogues (Institutions)
Archived course catalogues in LSF
Old course catalogues are still available from the winter semester 2001/2002: The course catalogues from the winter semester 2001/2002 to the summer semester 2011 are only available as a complete catalogue in a PDF file. From the winter semester 2011/2012, these are available as individual PDF directories, and from the winter semester 2013/2014 also with direct links in LSF. The PDF files were created at the beginning of each lecture period.
Annotated course catalogues
Many institutes or student councils publish the so-called annotated course catalogue every semester, usually online. It provides an overview of all courses at the institute for the current semester with a brief description of the learning objectives and focal points and details of performance requirements and registration formalities.