Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies Sports and exercise throughout life – Master

Work with and for people is at the heart of sports science. Central topics are anchored in the areas of movement, games and sports, as well as school sports, amateur sport, high performance sports and sport for health purposes.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Arts
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureConsecutive master’s programmes with access restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes

Course Content

Students of the Master’s degree programme in Sport and Exercise across the Lifespan acquire theoretical, methodical and practical knowledge from the field of sports science, enabling them to plan and deliver a comprehensive programme to encourage sport and exercise throughout the lifetime.

Course Structure

Three basic modules provide in-depth knowledge of research methods, project management and development, and socialisation in all life phases.

Four profile modules form the core of the course of studies:

  • “Diagnostics and intervention”: On the one hand, this involves the theoretical foundations as well as the implementation, evaluation, and interpretation of selected sports-motoric and sports-psychology test procedures in all life phases, and on the other hand, the planning and implementation of evidence-based sports and physical activity interventions.
  • “Sports and health”: Students will acquire specialist theory and methodology knowledge on the topics of health care, health promotion, prevention, rehabilitation, and motoric development, each from the multidimensional perspective of all life phases. Supplementary master’s seminars will discuss current research results from the fields of health, prevention, and rehabilitation, place them in the model-theoretical framework concepts, and analyse them in the context of the different life phases.
  • “Sports and performance”: Both junior competitive sports in childhood and adolescence and adult competitive sports are covered here. The module provides comprehensive training sciences insights into the planning, structuring, and control of systematic training processes in the various fields of application. Another special field covers matters of psychology of performance as well as getting to know general principles and concepts of athletic competitions.
  • “Research projects”: The module teaches the theoretical basics of planning study designs and periods of studies as well as the evaluation, visualisation, interpretation and communication of study results. Practical experience in conducting and evaluating scientific studies is acquired and theoretical background on current research foci at the ISSW is imparted.

These profile modules are supplemented with a freely selectable module with sports sciences content and a module on orientation within the vocational field. This also makes it possible to choose a special field among the sub-disciplines of sports sciences and sports available at the ISSW. An examination module with a Master’s thesis and oral degree examination complete the degree programme.

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