Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies Sport – Degree Programme Component in the Master of Education Vocational Teaching Profession

Work with and for people is at the heart of sports science. Central topics are anchored in the areas of movement, games and sports, as well as school sports, amateur sport, high performance sports and sport for health purposes.

Information about the Master of Education

The Master of Education is a postgraduate degree which prepares students for work as a teacher. In the section titled “Becoming a Teacher”, you’ll find comprehensive information about the full course of study required for those looking to become a teacher. This includes information on choosing subjects of study, on Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses, and on practical teaching experience. The site is currently available in German only.
Become a teacher

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Education
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionDeutsch
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.

Course Content

Graduates of this programme component are qualified to begin state training as a sports teacher in a German vocational school. In addition, they are able to enter professions linked to sports science, which involve teaching, supervising or conducting research in the field of sport. 

Graduates have obtained specialist skills in sports science, as well as knowledge of specialised didactics. Graduates 

  •  have advanced specialist knowledge of movement and sport, including associated artistic, social, behavioural and scientific phenomena. They are able to draw on theoretical models to explain these, and can further develop ideas independently, drawing on empirical findings to describe, analyse and evaluate concepts.  
  • Graduates are able to identify relationships between the abovementioned fields and findings from empirical research into school sports and sports instruction. 
  • They are able to use the latest research to inform their specialist skills and research-based didactics, and can reflect critically on their own professional practice.

Course Structure

In order to complete the degree programme component in sport in the Master of Education, Vocational Teaching Profession, students must gain 31 credits across five modules.  

Module 1 (Researching sports teaching) and module 3 (Planning sports lessons) are so-called  “blended modules”. These modules enable students to align their specialist subject skills with research-based, specialised didactic principles, and thereby reflect critically on their own professional practice. The knowledge gained by students enables them to analyse and solve problems related to practice. Module 4 (Evaluating sports lessons) focusses on specialised didactics and is completed alongside the practical semester in a school. Module 2 (Developing a profile within Sports Science) gives students the opportunity to further their specialist knowledge. The final module (module 5) consists primarily in the final examination for the degree programme component. Students may also complete their Master’s thesis in sport. 

Depending on availability in relevant courses, seminars, lectures and classes may also be taken at the Heidelberg University of Education (Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg). Students wishing to do this, must contact the relevant academic advisor in advance.

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.