Medical Faculty Heidelberg Medical Education
The degree programme in Medical Education (MME) aims to professionalize the teaching offered as part of medical degree programmes. Participants in the course consider topics including the development of a teaching schedule, communication, teaching and assessment, educational research, leadership and faculty development, as well as the evaluation of medical facilities.
The course is based on five fundamental principles:
- Inter-faculty collaboration
- Shared development of curricula
- Teaching which reflects multiple perspectives
- Modules which build on one another (learning spiral)
- Integrated modules (longitudinal)
In order to ensure that the course encourages collaboration between faculties, and supports teaching from multiple perspectives, each module is taught by a team of three lecturers, each of whom comes from a different faculty. In the majority of cases, lecturers have completed the MME programme. In addition to this, visiting professors lend an international perspective.

Special Features and Characteristics
The modules which students are required to attend in person are held at different universities throughout the German-speaking world. Particular specialisms and particularities of the medical teaching in each location are addressed as part of the programme. The curriculum is based on a competency framework, developed especially for this purpose and derived from the CanMEDS educational framework. The competency framework structures participants’ learning throughout the programme. At the beginning of the programme, students assess their current experience in relation to the competency framework. During the course, a mentoring programme, which is run in parallel to taught modules, gives students the opportunity to reflect on their personal and professional development. At the end of the degree programme, students document their competency level and gain a comprehensive overview of the skills and knowledge they have gained.
In addition to this, the mentoring programme, which runs throughout the degree course, ensures that modules map a longitudinal development. Those acting as mentors have successfully completed the MME programme themselves, and are able to offer students personal support. Students are also able to support each other, and exchange information and knowledge as part of the peer mentoring scheme.
Educational research is an area of particular focus in the degree programme. Throughout the programme, participants are supported by experts as they develop a local research project (project) and produce an academic paper with international relevance (Master’s thesis). Students also complete a module focussing on the development of academic skills. The role played by inter-faculty collaboration in the programme is a particular strength of the course which enables students to become familiar with particular, localised contexts for teaching, and the specialist research undertaken at each faculty.
Occupational Areas
As well as doctors, the degree programme is aimed at those involved in teaching and learning in other fields of healthcare, as well as care and therapy sciences. The qualifications gained via completion of the MME programme are vital for the further development of teaching and learning in the faculties managed by the course participants. As well as equipping programme participants with individual qualifications, the MME programme also aims to establish a network of teaching institutions across Germany, and so strengthen the profile of teaching overall.
Degree variants
Master, continuing education
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The Master’s programme in medical education does not only convey invaluable topics and tools for evidence-based learning but enables students to broaden their minds thanks to the motivated lecturers throughout Germany and the unique atmosphere.
Ramona Schweyen, 29, Medical Education, 2nd semester Master