Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural StudiesGerontology, Health, and Care – Bachelor 67%
Students enrolled in the ‘Gerontology, Health and Care’ degree programme apply multidisciplinary approaches to dealing with general and specialised issues related to ageing and age.
Facts & Formalities
Degree | Bachelor of Arts |
Type of programme | Undergraduate |
Start of programme | Winter semester only |
Standard period of study | 6 semesters |
Fees and contributions | 151.05 € / Semester |
Application procedure | Subjects with no admission restrictions |
Application deadlines | Information about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program. |
Part-time option | Yes |
Course Content
The academic programme ‘Gerontology, Health and Care’ includes scientific and methodological introductions to gerontology (the science of age and ageing), nursing studies, geriatric medicine and neighbouring scientific disciplines.
The course focusses on gerontology and the professional field of (rehabilitative, palliative) care of old people while also considering legal, social and societal conditions and developments.
Graduates acquire comprehensive specialist gerontological knowledge and are able to critically analyse societal developments. The academic programme prepares the future nursing professionals for competent activity in their future professional care careers. This also applies to professional continuing education in the nursing field.
As further and continuing education in the nursing field is considered adult education the academic programme also conveys knowledge of and skills for vocational teaching methods and pedagogy in addition to specialised nursing didactics.
Course Structure
The Bachelor’s degree programme in Gerontology, Health and Care is modular and comprises a major subject equating to 95 credits, and a second subject worth 59 credits. In addition, 20 credits are acquired through modules in Education Studies, Vocational Teaching Methods, and Specialised Didactics, and 6 credits are awarded for the Bachelor’s thesis, which is written on a topic relating to Gerontology, Health and Care.
The courses in the subject ‘Care’ are divided into one vocational teaching methods module with a specialised didactics component as well as six further professional compulsory modules, which in turn, are equally divided between courses in gerontology and nursing science/didactics. Students are presented with research-based findings from gerontology and nursing sciences, which are complemented by findings from neighbouring disciplines (medicine, psychology, pharmacology, nutritional science). Furthermore, students acquire nursing and life management skills in the practical module.
Courses taught in cooperation with university faculties (e.g. Faculty of Medicine) and regional institutions (e.g. hospitals, nursing institutions and hospices) further promote the links between theory and practice.
The theoretical-scientific component is taught at university while the practical training components are taught in cooperation with a state vocational college for nursing and care.
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Additional degrees
Vocational Teaching (M.Ed.)
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