Heidelberg UniversityScience Needs Liberal Democracy and the Rule of Law

Every member of the university is called upon to stand up for the fundamental values of our constitution

Racism, intolerance, and enemy stereotypes based on exclusion, anti-democratic endeavours and the contempt for humanity that comes with them, restrictions on academic freedom and hostility towards science: Heidelberg University agrees with the Executive Board of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) that these must have no place in a democratic society, and expressly endorses its statement “Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law”. 

The legal protection against discrimination in any form, which is enshrined in the German Basic Law, is a pillar of our scientific capabilities. The diversity of international perspectives and backgrounds makes our science system strong and contributes significantly to its progress.

Statement by the HRK Executive Board

In its Mission Statement, Heidelberg University commits itself to expanding knowledge and skills, and to harnessing and passing them on to future generations, in a spirit of open-mindedness and tolerance towards individuals and ideas. “Semper Apertus. Always open” is its motto. 

Prof. Dr Frauke Melchior, Rector of Ruperto Carola: “As members of Heidelberg University, we are all called upon to stand up for the fundamental values of our constitution, and for a diverse and unprejudiced academic community.”