ERASMUS IncomingLanguage skills

Language skills required to study

We expect Erasmus students to be sufficiently proficient in German to be able to successfully cope with academic work. We therefore do NOT require you to take the language entrance exam (DSH), which is obligatory for all other international students. The students are awarded ECTS credits for all German courses.

Language Courses

In order to help with adjusting to life at a German university and to brush up on language skills, Erasmus students may take part in an intensive four-week language course before the semester begins as well as weekly courses during the semester.

  • Sign-up forms for the intensive German course and evidence of the bank transfer must be submitted to the International Relations Office by 15 January for the Sommersemester and by 15 July for the Wintersemester. You will receive 80 hours of teaching; the cost of the course is approximately € 300.
  • The fee for the weekly course during the semester is € 150 for four hours of teaching or € 300 for 8 hours of basic-level teaching. Erasmus students are entitled to a one-time 50 Euro reduction of the fee for a weekly course.