DFGResearch Training Groups

Research Training Groups are established by the university to promote young researchers. They are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a period of up to nine years.

Their key emphasis is on the qualification of doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured training strategy.

 Application Information (DFG)

Heidelberg University as Co-Applicant or Participant

Table filters


GRK 2229
Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces
until 31.08.2024
3rd funding period
KIT Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard
Mathematical Institute
GRK 2277
Statistical Modeling in Psychology (SMiP)
2017 – 2026
2nd funding period
Mannheim University
Prof. Dr. Andreas Voß
Psychological Institute
GRK 2450
Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience
since 2019
2nd funding period
KIT Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Frauke Gräter
Heidelberger Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)
GRK 2606
Understanding protease functions in cellular pathways through discovery and analysis of protease substrates (ProtPath)
since 2021
1st funding period
University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Friederike-Nora Vögtle
Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH)
GRK 2751
Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)
since 2022
1st funding period
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Medical Faculty Mannheim
GRK 2761
Seamless integration of assistance systems for natural locomotion of humans (LokoAssist)
since 2022
1st funding period
TU Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wolf
Medical Faculty Heidelberg

GRK 2816

Non-Canonical G Protein Signaling Pathways: Mechanisms, Functions, Consequences

01.10.2022 – 30.09.2027
1st funding period
University of Tübingen
Prof Dr. Thomas Wieland
Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University