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Management Programme “Towards a Professorship”

Visual Auf dem Weg zur Professur

Developed as part of the Excellence Initiative, the management programme “Towards a Professorship” prepares researchers to take on responsibilities in leadership at university, it provides support for their personal career planning and it helps them to develop an interdisciplinary network.

Postdocs (at least two years after earning their doctorate), habilitation candidates, junior research group leaders and junior professors with and without tenure track are eligible to take part in the programme. The management programme is made up of three modules, each of which takes place over two days. The language of the programme is German; therefore, participants need a good level of German (level C1-C2). The seminars are held at a conference center in Heidelberg.

There is also a Fireside Chat with a Professor at Heidelberg University during the first module. The Fireside Chat gives participants the chance to ask questions about career planning and the requirements and demands of a professorship in an informal setting.

Participants are expected to participate in all three modules and will receive a certificate of participation after completing the programme.

Participants can also take advantage of the supplementary services “individual coaching” and “peer coaching”.

The call for applications takes place annually at the beginning of October.

Participants are selected by the University, upon the suggestion of the faculties.


The three seminar modules are set up as follows:

MODULE 1 - Negotiation and Understanding Conflict

This practice-based seminar deals with how to successfully conduct (difficult) discussions in a constructive and professional manner. Participants will learn various methods of negotiation. Models of conflict resolution will be introduced and the participants will reflect on their own approaches to discussions and conflicts

Date: Thursday, 8 February 2024, to Saturday, 10 February 2024


Leadership Skills

Participants will receive a comprehensive overview of relevant leadership topics. They will reflect on their own leadership role and be introduced to various styles of leadership. Leadership tasks and methods will be discussed and practiced.

Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2024, to Wednesday, 8 May 2024

MODULE 3 - Appointment Procedure for a Professorship

This seminar deals with the formal appointment procedures for a professorship as well as the preparation of the application documents. Participants will practice the interview with the appointment committee and will be introduced to various strategies for negotiations after an appointment has been received.

Date: Thursday, 1 August 2023, to Friday, 2 August 2024

Fireside Chat

During one of the modules, there is a Fireside Chat with a professor from Heidelberg University. These evening event is informal and gives the participants the opportunity to discuss academic issues, career planning and professorships with the professors and other participants.

Extra service:

Individual coaching

If needed or desired, participants can work individually on specific work-related issues with a professional coach.

Extra service:

Peer coaching

Participants will receive support in establishing a peer coaching group. The methods of peer coaching facilitate reflection within the group on concrete, academic problems and situations and the development of solutions.


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Latest Revision: 2024-07-24
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