Outstanding PersonalitiesSenior Professors at Heidelberg University

“Senior Professor” is an honorary degree, inaugurated in 2007, that can be bestowed upon a university professor following his or her retirement or the conclusion of their obligations. The rectorate decides who shall receive the title. Heidelberg University awards both “Senior Professor” and “Senior Professor Distinctus” titles.

Upon faculty request, the rectorate may give the temporary title of “Senior Professor” to a retired professor still working at the university. A Senior Professor can sign a service contract for a limited time specifying their rights and duties during their continued work at Heidelberg University. The amount and duration of duties assigned to a Senior Professor may differ from case to case.

The rectorate may bestow the title “Senior Professor Distinctus” on distinguished professors after their retirement or the conclusion of their obligations who had rendered exceptional services to the university. This is an honorary title awarded for life in cases of special merit and is unconnected to and does not demand any additional activities or duties at Heidelberg University.

Senior Professor Distinctus

  • Prof. Dr Konrad Beyreuther
  • Prof. Dr Hermann Bujard (1934–2020)
  • Prof. Dr Detlef Junker
  • Prof. Dr Paul Kirchhof
  • Prof. Dr Andreas Kruse
  • Prof. Dr Peter Meusburger (1942–2017)
  • Prof. Dr Thomas Rausch
  • Prof. Dr. Johanna Stachel
  • Prof. Dr Jochen Tröger
  • Prof. Dr Jürgen Wolfrum

Senior Professor

  • Prof. Dr Hans Georg Bock
  • Prof. Dr Lorenz S. Cederbaum
  • Prof. Dr Peter Comba
  • Prof. Dr Gerhard Dannecker
  • Prof. Dr Klaus Fiedler
  • Prof. Dr Herta Flor
  • Prof. Dr Rolf Gleiter
  • Prof. Dr Jadranka Gvozdanović
  • Prof. Dr Werner Hacke
  • Prof. Dr Günter Helmchen
  • Prof. Dr Thomas Holstein
  • Prof. Dr Eduard Hurt
  • Prof. Dr Bernd Jähne
  • Prof. Dr Monica Juneja
  • Prof. Dr Hugo A. Katus
  • Prof. Dr Peter Lampe
  • Prof. Dr Lothar Ledderose
  • Prof. Dr Axel Michaels
  • Prof. Dr Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
  • Prof. Dr Hartmut Remmers
  • Prof. Dr Bernd Schneidmüller
  • Prof. Dr Karlheinz Sonntag
  • Prof. Dr Uwe Strähle
  • Prof. Dr Christiane von Stutterheim
  • Prof. Dr Joachim Szecsenyi
  • Prof. Dr Hans-Werner Wahl
  • Prof. Dr Dr Michael Welker
  • Prof. Dr Michael Wink