
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer ScienceComputer Science – Bachelor 50%

Students of Computer Science focus on the planning, modelling, design and implementation of complex software and hardware systems and processes.

Preliminary course at start of programme

New students of Mathematics and Computer Science are hereby cordially invited to participate in the preliminary mathematical course offered by the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. The preliminary course will take place in the two weeks prior to the start of programme. In addition to relevant programme content, participants will also have the opportunity to meet their fellow students and learn about life in Heidelberg.
Preliminary course

Facts & Formalities

DegreeBachelor of Science
Type of programmeUndergraduate
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman, and partly English
Fees and contributions151.05 € / Semester
Application procedureSubjects with entrance examination procedure
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Teaching degree optionYes
Part-time optionYes

Course Content

Students in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Computer Science gain solid, fundamental knowledge of computer science and its mathematical foundations. In addition, they gain understanding of relevant methodologies and their practical applications. The knowledge and practical skills which students gain enable them to work flexibly, adapting to the rapidly changing requirements placed on professionals working within the field of computer science. The course of study is characterised by its unique, interdisciplinary nature and a focus on research. 

Graduates of the programme will demonstrate the following: 

  • They possess knowledge and understanding of practical, theoretical, technical and applied aspects of computer science and the relevant mathematical methods. They are able to use this knowledge to solve computing issues and problems. 
  • Students are able to work independently to plan, conduct, document and present projects of relevance to computer science. 
  • They are able to use scientific methods to develop and present potential solutions to problems within the field of computer science within a given timeframe. 
  • Students work systematically to design, implement and test programmes. 
  • They are familiar with concepts for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms and are able to apply these in the independent development of software. 
  • They have good understanding of the uses of systems and management of resources and are able to use this knowledge in the design, implementation and optimisation of computing systems. 

Students wishing to pursue teacher training to later teach in a German secondary school (Gymnasium), must complete this course in order to progress to the Master of Education. 

Course Structure

The Bachelor degree programme in Computer Science equips students with a broad, fundamental knowledge of computer science. Where Computer Science is studied with a 50% weighting, it can generally be studied in combination with any other subject available at the University. The Bachelor’s thesis must be written in one of the two subject areas studied with a 50% weighting. 

The course of The Bachelor’s degree course in Computer Science consists in the following: 

  • Computer Science 
  • Mathematics 
  • Cross-disciplinary skills 
  • Bachelor's thesis (optional) 

The computer science component consists predominantly in compulsory modules which students must complete to gain the necessary fundamental knowledge of the subject. There are very few elective modules.  

The Mathematics component consists in a compulsory module focussing on mathematical foundations. 

Students gain a proportion of credits for cross-disciplinary skills via completion of compulsory modules for computer science. Further credits are gained by the attendance of lectures and seminars in another subject area offered by the University, or via the completion of further, selected modules in the field of computer science. Alternatively, students may select the “Teaching Degree option” as an cross-disciplinary component. This enables students to continue on to teacher training and the completion of a Master of Education, with the aim of becoming a teacher in a German secondary school (Gymnasium).

The polyvalent Bachelor's degree opens up two qualification options: the academic training can serve as the basis for the Master of Education in the Lehramt Gymnasium profile if the career goal is to become a teacher. At the same time, the polyvalent Bachelor can be the basis for a Master of Arts or Master of Science. This study decision can be made during the Bachelor's degree programme.

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.