Interantional Studies Language Courses Abroad
As part of its exchange opportunities, Heidelberg University offers grants to help students participate in language courses in Poland, Russia, Spain and the Czech Republic. Students of any discipline are able to receive these grants , provided that they are in at least their second semester of study.
Summer language course grant - Poland
A three- or four-week intensive language course at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. The course may take place in July or August. Course fees, accommodation and food are covered - 3 places.
Deadline for applications: 14th February 2025
Summer language course grant - Spain
Four-week language course at the University of Salamanca, Spain. The course takes place in August. Course fees, accommodation and food are covered - 2 places (good level of proficiency in Spanish required).
Deadline for applications: 14th February 2025
Summer language course grant - Czech Republic
Four-week language course at Charles University in Prag, Czech Republic. The course is offered in July/August. Course fees, accommodation and food are covered - 3 places.
Deadline for applications: 14th February 2025
Required documents
Two copies of all required documents must be supplied. Documents must be supplied in German.
- Application form
- CV, student record (formulated, approx. 1 page)
- Reasons for participation in the language course
- Reference from a university lecturer, professor or course leader
- List of credits gained
- Language certificate for the relevant language
- School leaving certificate, higher education entrance qualification(German Abitur certificate)
Letters of Recommendation should be sent to
by the professors.