Lautenschläger Research PrizeNomination Procedure

The Awarding Committee

The recipient is selected by an Awarding Committee. Its members are:

  • The donor Dr h.c. Manfred Lautenschläger
  • Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Bernhard EitelRector of Heidelberg University
  • Prof. Dr Dr h.c. mult. Stefan Hell, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Honorary Professor at Heidelberg University, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2014)
  • Prof. Dr Tonio HölscherInstitute for Classical Archaeology
  • Prof. Dr Jörg Pross, Vice-Rector for Research at Heidelberg University
  • Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Manfred Schmidt, Institute for Political Science
  • Prof. Dr Dr Dres h.c. Michael Welker, Director of the Research Center for International and Interdisciplinary Theology, Senior Professor
  • Prof. Dr Margret Wintermantel, former President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

With special responsibility for the Lautenschläger Research Prize for Junior Reseachers:

  • Prof. Dr Thomas Rausch, Senior Professor distinctus, Director of Marsilius Kolleg until March 2020
  • Prof. Dr Bernd Schneidmüller, Senior Professor, Director  of the Research Centre for History and Cultural Heritage, Director of Marsilius Kolleg until March 2020

Proposal of candidates

Potential candidates may be proposed by:

  • Scientists and scholars at Heidelberg University
  • Universities abroad entertaining academic links with Heidelberg University
  • The German Research Foundation, the German and other academies of sciences, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association
  • Leibniz Prize laureates
  • Max Planck Research Prize laureates

Application for the Prize on one’s own behalf is not admissible.

Nomination Procedure

The next call for proposals will be in spring 2021. They must include:

  • The nomination form, completed in full
  • A detailed description of the candidate’s scientific/scholarly qualifications, including his/her record of international cooperation or cooperation with Heidelberg University and commitment to the encouragement of upcoming generations of scientists/scholars
  • An outline of the candidate’s academic career (max. 3 pages)
  • A list of the most important publications of the last 5 years (max. 3 pages)
  • A synopsis of the project for which the price money is to be used

Nominations will only be considered if accompanied by all the stipulated documents. Please submit 15 hard copies (unstapled, but punched for filing) of the complete nomination documentation as well as one electronic version.

Submit your proposal to:

Heidelberg University
Communications and Marketing
Event Management
attn. Nicole Hoffmann
Grabengasse 1
D-69117 Heidelberg

Nomination Form